Cruz (Dark and Dirty Sinners' MC #5) - Serena Akeroyd Page 0,60

goddamn time.”

“Aww, Indy, I didn’t know you cared.”

“Shut up, bitch.”

She snickered. “Takes one to know one.”

I straightened up once I set my pencil down, then wriggling my shoulders where the strain of bad posture made them ache, I got to my feet.

A slight movement in the corner of my eye registered with me, and I whipped around, jerking in surprise when I saw David standing in the doorway. How he’d managed to open the damn door without me knowing set me on edge, and I scowled at him, before I said to Stone, “Honey, I gotta go.”

“Okay. I’ll see you tomorrow, you pain in my ass.”

God, I loved this woman. She always remembered my anal-retentive farewell, and it was doubly important now, considering it had saved her butt when that psycho cunt had kidnapped her. I’d only known something was wrong because Stone had hung up the phone without our habitual farewell.

“Takes a stitch in my fucking side to know one,” I retorted with a smirk, but the second the line cut dead, I grumbled at David, “Thought you were on your way home.”

His narrow face puckered with nerves as he looked at me, he even started wringing his hands in his agitation.

“What’s wrong?” I asked with a sigh.

He swallowed. “He isn’t right for you.”

My brows surged at that. “Excuse me?”

“You heard me,” he rasped, but when he repeated himself, his voice was stronger, a tad more strident. “He isn’t right for you.”

“Who isn’t?” I snapped, not pleased with the direction this conversation had taken.

As far as I knew, he’d been making his way home. Why the hell he’d come back again, I’d never know…


Had he tapped my phone again? Bugged it so he knew Cruz was on his way over?

Or was that just me being paranoid?

David’s shoulders hunched at my annoyance, making me wonder what on earth it was about me that made him stalk me. I wasn’t someone who’d ever make him happy. Even if he was deranged, he had to know that.

We were like apples and oranges. Nothing about us fit. I’d never questioned things, never threatened the status quo though because being obsessed with someone didn’t have to make sense, did it? But I didn’t understand what it was about me that was like moths to a light.

I was independent, bossy, strident. Rude, most days. Angry all the time. I had a massive chip on my shoulder…

What about any of that would appeal to a mild-mannered man-boy?

But appeal to him I did.

He’d never confronted me like this before though, had always used underhanded methods of keeping an eye on me. Some of them had been creepy, and I’d gotten in his face over them, but this was different. Which meant he was either concerned or escalating and neither prospect put a smile on my face.

I didn’t need his concern.

As for escalation, the last time that had happened was when I’d moved from New Orleans to West Orange. At first, he hadn’t followed me. He’d just sliced his wrists open. Guilt had me visiting him in the hospital, and offering him a position at my new tattoo parlor—Indiana Ink.

He’d come with, and had been relatively normal ever since.

As normal as a stalker could be, at any rate.

Reaching up, I rubbed my eyes where exhaustion was hitting me hard. The last thing I needed was to get spanked tonight—more than anything, I just needed to sleep. Unfortunately for me, sleep came with a dose of orgasms.


Maybe not so unfortunate, after all.

Trying not to smile at the thought, I heaved another sigh and grumbled, “David, don’t spoil things.”

“Spoil things?” he repeated, the pitch of his voice surging high at that. “I dedicate my days to you, Indy—”

“That’s your choice, David,” I retorted, trying to stay calm. “You want to be here. I don’t make you do anything you don’t want to.” When hurt creased his features, I told him, “I’m grateful for you, David. I’m grateful for all you do for me, and to help me, but you have no right to dictate to me. You’re not my brother, father, or lover.”

“What am I then?” he snapped, temper making his eyes flash with a light I didn’t like.

“You’re my friend.” I tried to temper that with a gentle smile, because I knew being a friend wasn’t what he wanted from me.

In all the years he’d been stuck to my side, I wasn’t sure what he wanted. He never seemed to look me up and down and strip me naked, Copyright 2016 - 2024