Cruz (Dark and Dirty Sinners' MC #5) - Serena Akeroyd Page 0,54

I want you, Link. I’ve never not wanted you, but…” I couldn’t say a burden had been taken off my shoulders now my father was dead, but I couldn’t deny that I felt lighter somehow. Definitely felt like I could breathe a little easier.

Knowing my boogeyman was gone, for good, it made the next couple of steps in my future seem all the more joyful.

I was free of his taint.

At long goddamn last.

Because he was a visual creature, I unknotted the towel from around my breasts and as it sank to the ground, I knew how deeply he was buried in his head because he didn’t even look at me, didn’t smirk and say, “There are those sugar tits I love so much.”

He was frozen.

In time and place.

So it was my duty, I figured, to defrost him.

I moved toward him, not stopping until I could slide my hands around his waist, not stopping until I was bare before him, as naked as the day I was born while he was dressed.

The imagery suited me.

I felt like I was supplicating myself before him, thanking him for everything he’d done for me.

Maybe I’d wanted to be the one to pull the trigger, but knowing Father was dead without me having to sully myself was something I was infinitely grateful for.

I just wished his soul wasn’t bearing the burden, and I knew he needed to hear me tell him that.

As I pushed into him, I whispered, “I love you, Link. I’m not mad at you. I could never hate you. I’m grateful. For everything you’ve—”

“Fuck, you’re breaking up with me.”

Okay, that was taking shit too far.

I pushed away from him, just moving back enough that I could shove at his chest, not stopping until he was falling back onto the bed. Before he could get up, scowling all the while, I crawled up on him, not letting him scramble off the bed. I pinned his shoulders down, glared at him, and then and only then, did I see it.

A kernel of amusement.

“You prick!” I shrieked.

His lips twitched. “A little.”

“No, you fucker. You almost had me going there.” I scowled harder. “You thought I wanted to break up?”

Around that kernel of amusement was a glimmer of truth. I knew he was covering up his insecurities, and the truth was, I knew exactly how insecure my man was. You’d never know it, would never see it, but I wasn’t just anyone, was I? I knew him better than anyone else, and that I’d inadvertently fed his insecurities when he worked so fucking hard to shore mine up, just about killed me.

When he reached up, rasping, “There are my sugar tits,” just like I’d known he would, my heart stopped pounding like crazy.

That alone told me, somehow, things were back on track.

I blinked at him, then bit my lip as he fondled my nipple. When penetration was off the cards, you got to know somebody’s every hot spot, and I knew his as well as he knew mine.

But today was going to be simple.

Today my man was going to pop my cherry and claim me as his in the only way he hadn’t claimed me yet.

When his fingers slipped up to my throat, and he cupped the back of my neck, I wasn’t surprised when he asked, “You were joking, weren’t you?”

“What about any of this is funny?”

“The timing is weird—”

“The timing is perfect,” I countered, and because we were talking too goddamn much, I reached down between us and shaped his dick. “I want this. Inside me. I want you. Inside me.”

“Want that more than I want my next breath, sugar tits.”

“Then what are you waiting for? I want to be yours.”

“You already are, Lily.” His voice turned urgent. “You know that, don’t you?”

“You showed me every single way you could,” I agreed. “But I know you’re a caveman too from time to time.”

Confirming that, I shrieked when he spun us around, and the bed bounced as he was suddenly on top of me and I was flat on my back. The rough leather of his cut, the soft fabric of his Henley, the coarse denim of his jeans… all of it felt like heaven and hell against my naked flesh. It wasn’t the first time I’d felt them, of course, but it was the first time I’d felt it in this situation.

A situation I knew was going to end a certain way.

I gulped, but he saw my nerves and his eyes softened as he Copyright 2016 - 2024