Cruz (Dark and Dirty Sinners' MC #5) - Serena Akeroyd Page 0,52

sweeps, there was nothing like a deep clean.

Switching off the heat, I moved over to the shitter where I’d placed a tray of tools. Grabbing the laser thermometer, I grumbled as I realized the lye was too hot now, so I moved outside where I knew the brothers had washed down.

The grass was scorched from where I’d ignited controlled fires in the past, but I started off with another bleach solution, followed by mine, then once that was done, I hefted sandbags into place around the patch where the Sinners all knew to stand to clean down post-beating, and dumped paper on it and set it alight.

Once the flames did more than sputter, but began to flutter and flicker in the breeze while managing to stay lit, looking no more harmless than a bonfire, I trudged back inside, tested the temperature, then hauled Lancaster’s body into the vat.

With that done, and knowing it could take up to a week for total decomp, I headed outside, scrubbed my boots by the exterior faucet that was hooked up to the side wall where I stored all my gear, then I stripped down and shoved my clothes and the PPE on the fire.

Grabbing the hose, I sprayed myself off, cleaned up with my dick swinging in the same breeze as the fire was fighting, then got changed into gear I’d left in the truck.

Once that was all done, I jumped behind the driver’s seat, shoved it back as far as it would go, then reached for the brown paper bag I’d brought with me.

With a hero sub in one hand, a bottle of water in the other, I took a sip then a bite of my sandwich, and when half of both had been demolished, I rested the bottle on the dash, reached for my phone and called Indy.

I hadn’t seen her that much since I’d gotten back to West Orange, which didn’t sit well with me.

Even as I was trying to fight how much she was starting to mean to me, I was aware such inner turmoil was futile.

When a woman had you by the dick, you could hide it from her, but hiding it from yourself was just sheer fucking idiocy. If she’d been a regular woman, I wouldn’t have hidden my feelings. I’d have been open. But the reason I felt the way I did for her was because she was anything but regular.

Complicated, see?

The second she connected the call, I murmured, “Be ready tonight.”

She sniffed, which made me laugh. “I was born ready.”

“Since when?” I retorted, my lips quirked up in a wide grin as I watched the flames sputtering as the paper burnt out, leaving behind the grass that I was trying to clean up.

“Since forever.”

I didn’t snicker, because I knew she’d be offended at that, so I just said, “I don’t think you’re ready for this.”

“No?” For the first time, her voice was shaky, which let me know that she’d read my tone.

I might sound amused, but I was also wired.

I’d had a hard day’s work, and I had no intention of spending the night alone.

“No,” I told her, aware it was more of a vow than anything else.

Her gulp was audible, but she didn’t back out or try to postpone the inevitable which made me fall that little bit harder for her. She just murmured, “I’ll be waiting, Cruz.”

The perfect answer.


“Naked,” she confirmed.

I hummed. “See you soon.”

Before she could say another word, I cut the call. Though I’d prefer to be eating her pussy, I finished off my hero sub, then returned to the fire. In good conscience, I couldn’t leave it burning unattended, so I stared into the flames long enough to see the fresh scorching on the grass. Once that was in place, I hosed it down to fully extinguish the fire, then sprayed another round of bleach onto it. I knew bleach didn’t disinfect when heated, so on the hot grass, it’d do bupkis, but I liked the smell of it even if it made my eyes water.

Sure, it was weird, but there were all kinds of people who liked the smell of gas. This was no freakier.

With that, I returned all my tools to the tiny storage shed to the side of the building, then I headed for the truck.

Indy was waiting, and that was a priority that went to the top of my list.


“How much do you hate me?”

I stared at the love of my life in the vanity mirror, through Copyright 2016 - 2024