Cruz (Dark and Dirty Sinners' MC #5) - Serena Akeroyd Page 0,31

belong to you.”

“You do.” I arched a brow. “You haven’t moved a fucking muscle,” I told her softly, watching as she registered that. Even though she didn’t like my words, she still stayed right where I’d left her.

Head turned to the side, cheek touching the hall rug. Back sloping to the high angle of her ass in the air, knees on the ground, feet tucked together.

She licked her lips, but other than that, still didn’t move. “What’s happening? This is too much.”

I reached over and stroked my hands through her hair, bunching it together and letting it fall over her shoulder so it was out of the way. “I know it is. I don’t think either of us intended it to go this far, did we?”

Her eyes were glued to mine. “No.”

I carried on stroking her hair, trying to calm her. “By the time you’ll let Giulia anywhere near your tits, we’ll be ready to process things then, won’t we?”

She blinked. “Y-Yeah, I guess.” My smile had her swallowing. “Why?”

“Why, what?”

“Why are you investing so much time and effort in me?”

The words took me aback. Whatever I’d expected her to say, it sure as fuck wasn’t that, and they had anger rippling through me. Anger that a fucking angel like this one could think that sort of shit about herself.

“Because you’re not worth my time and effort?” Me? A fucking one-percenter biker, whose mom was a psychotic FBI agent, and who I was betraying to save the family I really cared about—my club.

I cleaned up corpses for the MC, deleted the evidence so that no shit would fall back on us. I was the Grim Reaper. Too dirty to lick her fucking boots, and she was asking me that?

Because I was angry at her lack of self-worth, the desire to punish her was a strong one. It hit me hard, how much I wanted her to see herself for what she was, but I couldn’t achieve that through castigation. It required trust.

She had to trust me, had to have faith in me, to believe anything I had to say.

She was right—that took time and effort. Time and effort I wouldn’t necessarily give to a fuck buddy, but I had to face the facts.

I’d never have fucked her in the first place if being a fuck buddy was all I wanted.

Nyx was psychotic enough to kill kid fuckers for a hobby. Did that sound like the kind of twisted bastard I needed hammering on my door because I was messing with his sister?


I’d been all in from the start, and I just hadn’t fucking realized it.

My response to her interested me, enough that I knew I’d be exploring it later, when she was sleeping or I was home, and I murmured, “When you trust me, I’ll tell you why.”

She frowned. “That’s a non-answer if ever I heard one.”

I smiled at her. “It’s all the answer you’re going to get. Now, by the sounds of it, you had a good day. What went wrong?”

“Laura came in. It was really tough.” She winced. “She screamed twice.”

“Christ.” I blew out a breath, well acquainted with the name of the stubborn woman who bore thick mastectomy scars that Indy was working on covering up through torturous sessions that had both women sweating bullets.

Pro, fucking, bono.

And she asked why she was worth my time and effort?

Goddamn that kid fucker uncle of hers.

If Nyx hadn’t already jammed his hunting rifle so the cartridge blew back on itself, exploding Kevin’s head clean off his shoulders, I’d have had to come up with some twisted ways to get rid of the sick son of a bitch.

Ways that involved acid.

Lots, and lots of acid. In fact, more acid than alkali just to really burn the fucker.

“Yeah,” she whispered softly. “It was intense. Messed with my head. But it was okay when Steel and Stone came in. They cheered me up.”

“I’m glad. Sounds like you were good.”

“I wasn’t.”

I arched a brow. “Why weren’t you?”

“I used my vibrator this morning.”

I didn’t have to see my smile in the mirror to know it was one thing and one thing only—unholy.

She registered it too and did the wise thing.



There was something strange about what I had going on with Cruz.

I didn’t have to tell him the truth but somehow, I always ended up doing exactly that.

It was weird. Especially when he usually slapped the shit out of my ass or came up with different ways to mess with my head in the aftermath of Copyright 2016 - 2024