Cruz (Dark and Dirty Sinners' MC #5) - Serena Akeroyd Page 0,23


“It’s important.”

“I’ll just bet.” Rubbing my eyes, I grumbled, “I’ll see what I can do. Things are shitty right now. Not many reasons for me to head into the city without raising suspicion.”

She grunted. “Damn.” A pause. “Okay. Message me when you can come. I can be patient. No longer than a week though, Darren.”

Grimacing at a name I hadn’t answered to for years, I muttered, “I’ll do what I can.”

Before she told me that wasn’t good enough, like always, I cut the call.

Of all the bikers in the Satan’s Sinners’ MC, I was the only one who didn’t have Mommy issues. There were a lot of them going around, though. Daddy issues too. But my brothers here had reasons, justification for being fucked in the head. Me? What could I complain about? That I’d been a latch-key kid?

Snorting at the thought, especially when I tossed Nyx and Indy’s background around in my head, I clambered to my feet as I read the text Rex had sent.

Unsurprisingly, he’d asked me to go to his office.

I dumped the burner cell in my pocket, and leaving shit behind, I headed out of the bar, bypassing a very noisy ’69’ going down on the pool table with a brother whose face I couldn’t see because it was buried in Peach’s pussy. My nose crinkled at the sight, because I didn’t think the brother was wearing a dental dam. Brothers in an MC weren’t the dental dam-wearing type.

“You’re not supposed to go down on the whores,” I muttered as I passed him, but a grunt was all I got for my pains.

Rolling my eyes as I trudged past the orgy and into the hall, I found my way to the office. Knocking on Rex’s door, I wasn’t altogether surprised to see Mav and Nyx there.

When I cut them all a look, I murmured, “Mommy dearest wants to see me.”

Rex’s mouth tightened, the cloned cell in his hand. “We heard.”


“David, could you pass me Laura’s file?”

If my tone was absent-minded, then that was because I was feeling pretty absent-minded of late. Actually, not just recently. For a while now.

My brain was all over the fucking place and I knew why.

Men. Pains in my ass.

What with my baby bro, Caleb, in prison on a sentence he didn’t deserve, Nyx’s psychotic self head-butting me every which way I turned, and then memories of the past, it was a wonder I had a mind left.

My life wasn’t, and never had been, easy. I didn’t expect it to be. But I’d like a little peace, just a little tranquility, and somehow, I’d managed to find it—I just hated that I was a cliché and it was related to a man.

Cliché aside, I also wished that once Cruz had walked out of the door this morning, and every other, that the peace lasted longer than ten minutes. Especially when I got a call from my baby bro who’d lied to me about why he sounded so gruff.

He’d been crying.

God help me. I wanted to kill someone, and knowing I couldn’t protect him just made me feel a thousand times worse.

“Here you go,” David chirped, his tone, as always, cheerful.

He was a weirdo, a stalker, but I liked that about him.

Stalkers were men you could trust. He knew more about me than I did, knew the exact location of everything I ever touched, and, truthfully, he was a lifesaver. If he wasn’t obsessed with me, he wouldn’t be such a damn good PA.

Yeah, yeah, I knew it made me a bitch to be taking advantage of him, but sometimes, you just had to make the best out of a bad situation.

I sure as hell wasn’t going back to the days where he’d call me, heavy breathing down the line for a good minute before he built up the courage to cut the damn call.

Nor was I going back to the nights where he’d hover outside my shop.

This way, my stalker was a functioning member of society. He got paid well for it, had a really great dental plan, and so what if I had to handle his goo goo eyes all the time? I could deal.

Well, usually I could.

Today I wasn’t feeling that good, so chirpy wasn’t what I needed right now.

I needed somber.

I needed serious.

I needed eyes that looked into mine, leaving me feeling like I’d been through an MRI tunnel because he’d seen everything. Every-fucking-thing. And all without me having to say a goddamn word.

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