Cruz (Dark and Dirty Sinners' MC #5) - Serena Akeroyd Page 0,21

hurt him, spitting at him like he was trash.

Fuck, I regretted that night even if it had been a turning point in our relationship.

Biting my lip as I contemplated whether to lie or not, I decided there was no point in a half-truth. This was probably the last time he’d want to sleep with my sullied self, so I might as well go the whole hog and tell him all of it.

“You fuck me too good for me to stay awake after.”

He didn’t preen at that, nor did he shudder with revulsion like I might have expected with this truth now between us; he just said, “This is the first nightmare you’ve had with me?”

No, it wasn’t, but I hadn’t had another since the night of the spitting incident.

A sign I was getting too comfortable around him?

The thought prompted me to try to pull away again, but he rumbled, “Where do you think you’re going?” He tapped me on the ass to stop me, hard, and the sting was bad enough to make me hiss but he took advantage of my surprise, nudging his knee between both my thighs, and pressing it into the mattress.

I should have struggled at how he pinned me down, kept me in place. It should have triggered thoughts of him, but it didn’t.

And that sting was too good.

Because he wasn’t letting me go anywhere, because I didn’t really want to go anywhere either, I settled into him, and when he murmured, “Talk to me,” in a tone that would normally have gotten my back up, I relaxed into the mattress, and did as he’d commanded.

I talked.

Part Two



“You wanna fuck me, baby?”

What I wanted to do was roll my eyes… I didn’t. Instead, I stared at Jingles and cracked my knuckles. She bit her bottom lip, which was a clear sign as to what was going on.

These bitches, seriously.

I mean, I knew a lot of the brothers could be led around by their cocks, but I wasn’t one of them.

I’d had enough of dancing to someone’s fucking song a long ass time ago, and I refused to be whipped by a piece of snatch who was shared around the clubhouse by men I considered family.

Jingles’ eyes dropped to my knuckles. The tattoos looked like perfect renditions of the skeletal frame of my hands, which was fitting considering I cleaned up dead bodies for the club.

“Thought Giulia asked you to clean the staircase again?”

Her nostrils flared, and I just prepared my ears for the whining that was about to come. “But we did them last week!”

“How often do you think something that gets used as often as the staircase should get cleaned?” I asked, genuinely curious.

These sluts were filthy bitches. The clubhouse was enough to have my neat-freak self cringing. With this much DNA floating around these walls, the place was one big crime scene waiting to happen.

Jingles, being the dirty bitch she was, shrugged, which made her tits jiggle, which made the little nipple piercings she had jingle in turn.

Hence the name.

Wherever she went, she played a tune.

Any entrancement that particular trait had triggered in me died a death a long while back.

“I dunno. Every month?”

“It’s a wonder we didn’t die with you cunts cleaning this place,” I grumbled under my breath, then I shook my head. “Just because you wanna waste time on your back rather than doing what you’re supposed to, doesn’t mean I have time to play your games.”

She scowled at me. “I’m not playing games. I swear, you’re no fun anymore! This place used to be a real giggle, but everyone’s getting all and no one wants to play.”

“Stopped playing when I was eight, Jingles,” I said wryly. “And you’re about twenty-two years too old to be thinking about playtime. Now, go on, get. You’re supposed to do as Giulia says.”

“I fucking am,” she groused. “Goddamn bitch should have been born with a swastika on her cheek.”

I should probably have defended the VP’s woman, but hell, Giulia was faintly Nazi-ish. Without the mass-genocide of innocents, of course. If anyone was under threat from Giulia, it was the club snatch, who were feckless and cruel to the Old Ladies, and pedophiles. Both of whom deserved to deal with her wrath.

Brothers didn’t talk about it, but everyone knew Nyx had taken Giulia with him on his last crusade. There were even whispers that she’d been the one to light the last sick kid fucker on fire.

As Jingles walked away and I wasn’t even Copyright 2016 - 2024