Cruz (Dark and Dirty Sinners' MC #5) - Serena Akeroyd Page 0,140

her some information that might get her to talk? Soften her up some, you know what I mean?"

Surprise flushed through me. "You want to feed her some evidence? Shit, Rex, we just burnt the bridge with her. If we build another one, she'll come to expect it, and where Caroline Dunbar is concerned, that bridge is never-ending."

"Fuck, Cruz, you think I don't know that already? You think I'm asking this, asking you to dance with the devil without recognizing how dangerous it could be?

"I've been sitting by my dad's bedside, racking my brain, trying to think about what was said, about what we discussed. Trying to figure out if there was something I could use to piece together this fucking puzzle, but there isn't anything. The only person we know who could help is your mother.

"So, for sure, I know what I'm asking here, and I know it's a shit show, Cruz, but I just need you to cast out a net and see if anything bites. Can you do that for me?" To anyone else, it might have sounded like he was being kind of nice about it, but I heard the command, and knew I didn't really have a choice.

Neither did Rex understand what he was dragging me into. Caro would think nothing of asking me for information to use against the MC in return for casting out that net he'd mentioned.

"I will, but I want you to know that I'm uncomfortable with the request."

"Duly noted."

"And when I come to you with issues over this, because issues there will be, I need you to have my back. Especially as this is circumventing the council, which is going to put me in the shit when it gets out. And let's face it, it will get out."

Rex grunted. "You worry too much."

"I just know my mother." And though it was rude, I hung up on him, then threw my phone on the passenger seat. It bounced, and almost fell into the truck well, but I was past caring.

One hand on the steering wheel now, I squeezed down to the point of pain, but still, it was either that or punch something and I didn't feel like dealing with busted knuckles on top of everything else.

Inside my head, I reacted like a chimpanzee who just been dosed up with angel dust–I went crazy.

From the outside looking in, I knew I didn't look like I'd just been asked to deal with the devil again. And make no bones about it, my cunt of a mother was the devil, capable of more than my brothers realized. Maybe you had to grow up with it to truly see it, but I knew there was nothing she wouldn't do to get what she wanted. And Caro was greedy.


While I'd known that last visit with her wouldn't be the final time I saw her, I just hadn't thought I'd be getting in touch with her so soon.

Jaw working, I decided to bite the bullet, reached for my cell phone which I'd dumped on the passenger seat, and dialed my mom's phone.

For several minutes, the dialing tone echoed around the truck.

She didn't answer.

To say that came as a surprise was an understatement, mostly because she never made me wait, just like I never made her wait either.

We had our own rituals, our own methods of dealing with one another, and it didn't involve pissing each other around.

Unless the state of play had changed after what happened, of course... But I didn't think that was the case. Although, granted, she had to have heard about the clubhouse explosion and hadn't been in touch to ask if I was okay. Now that I thought about it, that was strange. In the aftermath, though, she'd been the last thing on my mind.

Seemed like I was the last thing on hers too now.

I'd believed, apparently incorrectly, that her ties to motherhood would extend to bombings in which her son nearly perished.

When she didn't answer, after I tried again, I grunted under my breath then shot off a text to Rex.

Me: No answer yet. I'll keep on trying.

I didn't wait for his response, but I took note of the read receipt and in a state of outright rebellion, against myself, I messaged Kirill next.

The guy was like a father to me, more than my own dad was anymore. He’d been there for me when the shit hit the fan, and now I had Indy, I wanted her to know him and Monique.

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