Cruz (Dark and Dirty Sinners' MC #5) - Serena Akeroyd Page 0,111

motel which, more than likely, was going to be where I laid my head for the next couple of months as we broke ground on the new clubhouse.

Thankfully, we had a lot of contractors in our ranks, so that was something, but it didn't take away from the heavy duty planning we needed to get done.

Just thinking of that was a headache, and I knew I'd be roped in because of my engineering degree.

I hated working on projects like that because making sure buildings were up to code was a migraine waiting to happen, but for my family, I'd do it. Trouble was, the brothers were dumb fucks if they didn't see the Old Ladies eying this up like rabid dogs in need of a seventy-two ounce steak. They were going to milk this situation, make shit how they wanted it.

The only consolation was that I doubted anywhere would be painted pink or papered with fucking flowers.

I'd take the flowers, of course, if they were inside Indy's apartment.

Fuck, I missed her. I missed her something goddamn fierce. And it had only been a night. But the emotional distance between us was worse than her staying on Mars, and I had no idea if I’d be able to bring her back to me.

Rubbing my chin as I watched West Orange pass me by in a blur because Link was driving too fast, I sighed and jolted when Nyx grumbled, "Stop fucking sighing."

I'd heard the news about him becoming a father, and I couldn't say that it had cheered him up any, that was for sure.

With my feet stretched out on the backseat, I settled in for the short ride, and murmured, "Got a lot to sigh about."

"You think you got problems? I have a baby popping out into the fucking world, and somehow, I gotta make a home for us."

The money wasn't the problem, it was time. I knew that.

Time was always an issue for us.

In the next couple of days, we'd been scheduled to make a run up to the Canadian border for the Five Pointers, and then with all this other shit, from David to Tatána, to the bombing to the reconstruction of the clubhouse, from Bear to Maverick... it never rained but it fucking poured.

"You can stay in the pool-house."

"Where that cunt lived?" Nyx boomed, making Link wince.

"I forgot about that."

"Well, I fucking didn't. Not having anything to do with that place. We'll stay at Rachel's like we did last night—“

"How about Sin's place? He probably wouldn't mind, what with the situation being as is."

"Tiffany and Sin have made their place there. I ain't gonna turf them out." Nyx heaved a sigh. "It's just figuring out what Giulia wants is all, and it's not like we don't know how fucking particular she is."

"She ain't that particular," Link retorted. "Not only did she settle for your psychotic ass, but she was happy living in the clubhouse."

"That was before she got pregnant. Imagine her clean-freak ass on steroids. I've already had to ban her from cleaning Rachel's kitchen because she's stressed."

I shook my head. "That's the dream, man. You want a woman who'll clean when she's stressed." I whistled under my breath. "When they get all sweaty and they're on their hands and knees?"

Nyx twisted around in his seat to glower at me. "I'm not sure what’s worse. Thinking of you getting a boner over my sister in that position, or wondering if you're dicking around and thinking of other pussy like that.”

I cut him a look, one that was loaded with as much sincerity as my duplicitous ass was capable of. "I'm in love with her, man."

He pulled a face. "Fuck."

I smiled a little. "Thought that would cheer you up."

"Not exactly. Goddamnit, I don't wanna think of my brother with her."

"Why not? Not good enough for her?" I jibed, which earned myself a glower, but hell, I'd been raised with Caro fucking Dunbar. I knew that looks could kill, and if they did, I'd have been dead by five.

"Yeah, yeah, that's why. Got nothing to do with the fact you clean up corpses for the brothers for a living, nothing to do with the fact that you found your place with us because of your unique skillset..." His voice drifted off, but the warning was clear. "You fuck her around, I'll fuck you up."

"I'm counting on it," I assured him, and I meant it. "If I hurt her, I deserve to have my ass handed to me. Any time, Copyright 2016 - 2024