Cruz (Dark and Dirty Sinners' MC #5) - Serena Akeroyd Page 0,106


Especially when they had a justifiable reason to search our property.

Whoever the fuck had set the bomb had known that the Feds would get involved with any kind of explosive of this nature.

Clever bastards.

Did they have a clue about whose murder we were covering up?

Lancaster had come into the country through illegal means. Steel had gone to Cambodia himself, hauling the cunt back in a crate like he was a piece of furniture. I knew we'd put him in the hold for the long haul flight too, so it wasn't like ICE had a clue about Lancaster's whereabouts in the country…

Like the prick had said, every LEA was after us for something. I was just giving it a worst case scenario as the worst possible fucking case had already happened.

As Maverick was wheeled into the ambulance, I watched him go, my mind blurring as I tried to figure out what to do next.

Lucky for me, admin was what I did best, but keeping the pigs from sniffing at our doors wasn't exactly easy when they had every goddamn right to be here.

When the bastard from before trudged over to me, I was happy to note that he didn't look as smug now. I didn't think that was anything to do with Mav almost being buried alive, especially when he'd not even bothered to help us draw him out, but he looked a little green around the gills.

"First crime scene?" I sneered, unable to help myself.

He gulped, which was an easy indication that I wasn't wrong. Or, at least, he'd seen something that was a first.

I twisted around, no longer facing the glare of the ambulance’s brake lights that was drawing down the private road and back to town, and looking toward the clubhouse.

That was when I realized the firefighters were gathered around a body.

I winced at the sight, but I'd seen worse in my time in the Fridge. Still, there was no denying that the corpse they were retrieving looked like a side of goddamn bacon that had been left to burn in the pan.

I closed my eyes, wondering which brother I'd lost, even as I started making plans.

With Nyx and me at the helm while Rex was busy with his dad, we'd get to the bottom of this.

We'd figure it out.

And whoever had done this to us, we'd make them pay for daring to think they could come at us. For hurting our women. For killing our family. For destroying our home.

They'd pay.

I'd see to it.

But before then, I needed to get the pigs off any scent, and I needed a hug from my baby girl.

I didn't want it to be in that order, but lives were at stake, and never more had I felt the weight of that than I did now.



I was so ready to run I was out of the damn door.

Only the fact that I wasn't a pussy, that I wasn't a runner kept my feet glued in place as I moved from brother to brother, family to family, hugging the Old Ladies, slinging an arm around the kids, trying to shore them up, make them feel better about their pops being in the ER or the ICU, injuries depending.

Such an outright attack had us all shaken, but if there was any solace to be found, it was when Storm strode in, looking normal, looking like he owned the fucking place, that something in my heart settled.

Sure, this world was messy, and Keira and Storm had a lot of fixing to do to make shit right for Cyan, but he was here, and I knew even Keira was relieved when she hauled ass over to meet him.

When Cyan didn't, my brows rose, but Storm strode over to her, kneeled in front of her, and I tuned out the rest of the world to hear him say, "Kid, you know I've done a lot of fucked up stuff in my life, but the one thing that always made sense, the proudest thing I ever did, was help make you."

Cyan's big eyes stared at him like he'd set the moon in the sky and from his words, and her behavior, I knew something had been said, something angry that was putting space between them, but tonight's events had rattled shit and when she pushed into him, squeezing him tight, I relaxed.

Things weren't right, but at least she had some comfort.

I was almost envious as I looked at her, stupid though it was. I wished my daddy was Copyright 2016 - 2024