Crushing on my Billionaire Best Friend - Jolie Day Page 0,69

You’ve been friends for so long. Does this make it an insta-relationship?”

“No!” I shot back too quickly. “Absolutely not. Let’s not get ahead of ourselves. You know, there’s a gray area between fucking and making love—or making love and being in love.” I rubbed the back of my neck. I didn’t even know if what I’d said made sense. “At least I think there is. Anyway, she got fucking weird when I saw her this morning. Awkward. So, maybe things’ll just go back to the way they were.” I shrugged. “Hell if I know what goes through a woman’s mind.”

Miles smirked. “Maybe you didn’t hit it like she wanted.”

“You know what? Fuck you.”

“Hey, chill, bro. Take it easy.”

“Whatever, man.”

And this was why I didn’t want to talk to Miles… Fucker.

But what I’d said didn’t seem right. Because I knew Laney well enough that if I really thought about it, I could usually guess what she was thinking. Maybe this time I’d read her signals all wrong? But something else was up, something she was hiding. I just needed to figure it out. Fuck. I’d never been in a situation like this before, and honestly, I didn’t know how to act.

“Do you want things to go back to the way they were?” Damon was the planner, never wanting to leave loose ends. “Just friends? No more sex?”

I nodded, weighing my options.

Friends? Absolutely. Non-negotiable. We’d been friends too many years to let anything come between us.

Sex? Thinking back on last night, it wasn’t something I really wanted to lose, either. Far from it. Hard no. I’d race home and fuck her again if she wanted me to.

Dammit. I sounded like a sappy motherfucker. But as far as where that left us? I wasn’t sure if I was ready to face that yet.

“You’ve got to talk to her,” Damon demanded as Babs returned with our plates.

“That’s the answer to ninety-nine percent of your troubles with women right there,” she chimed in. “But it also seems to be the thing you boys suck at the most.”

I gave her a tight smile. “Thanks, Babs.”

The moment she was gone, Miles couldn’t wait to throw in his two cents. “Talking about it is the least sexy thing you could do. Women like strong and silent types. They like reading our minds. It keeps them guessing, or they’ll get bored. It’s simple, bro.”

Damon cut his eyes over to him. “You’ve never stayed with a woman long enough for her to have a chance to get bored.”

“Yeah, so? That’s how I live my life.” He shrugged. “And I thought that’s how my brother was, too. But…crossing that line with a friend?” He shook his head. “I would not want to be in your shoes, bro. Too fucking complicated.”

“No shit,” I groaned. “But…here I am.”

“Yeah, fucked in the head,” Miles told me with a smirk, stating the obvious.

“Maybe you’re right, Damon. Maybe I just need to try and talk to her again. I mean, we talk about everything else.”

“That’s why I don’t sign up for female friendships unless it’s ‘friends with bens’ only, or hit it and quit it,” Miles added. “Otherwise, it gets too fucking messy if you try to add that shit later. Nobody’s got time for that fucking drama.”

“It’s not a business contract,” Damon argued before turning back to me. “Anyway, so you talk to her… What are you going to say if you don’t know what you want out of it?”

I raked my hand down my face. He had a point. The thought of being in a relationship hadn’t crossed my mind. But Laney and I were already so close. The sex had been fucking amazing. Even though we’d accidentally already crossed that line, and she hadn’t admitted to wanting to do it again. But hell, she’d given me her virginity—asked me to take it—but I wasn’t about to tell the guys that.

I had this sneaking suspicion she was either lying to me or lying to herself.

Maybe both.

But what if she wasn’t lying? What if she didn’t want me?

“I say you talk and have one more hot night together, hit it real good, then forget all about it.” Miles waved his hand with a shit-eating grin. He was such an asshole.

“Huh?” Damon stared at him like he was crazy. “Why one more night? That’s just going to make things worse.”

“The first time they fucked”—Miles looked at me and shrugged—“Dude, calling a spade a spade. Anyway, it wasn’t planned. They can fuck again, get it out of Copyright 2016 - 2024