Crush - Kelsie Rae Page 0,50


He eyes it warily. “Are you sure my first experience with Bertha’s pancakes should be takeout? While I’ve heard good things, I’m not sure that right now would be a good time to pop my Bertha’s pancake cherry. You don’t want to sour my experience, right?”

“Bertha’s pancake cherry?” I snort. “Trust me. You’ll be surprised. Besides, you were the one who pointed out I only live like a block away from the place, remember? It’s still fresh and delectable. I promise.”

He opens his mouth and takes the bite. Then his gaze narrows like a food critic as he chews the bite slowly, making sure to inspect every flavor before reaching his conclusion.

“And?” I pester him.

“And those are the best damn pancakes I’ve ever tasted,” he admits in a monotone voice.

I laugh. “Is that right?”

“Sure are. I don’t suppose you’d wanna trade, would you?”

Holding onto my basketball of a stomach, I try to stifle my amusement, but it’s no use.

“No deal,” I cackle.

“Come on. What’s a guy gotta do around here to sneak another taste?”

My curiosity piques, but it’s quickly followed by my reservations. There are so many ways I could take his comment, especially when his eyes sneak a quick peek at my mouth before returning to my cautious gaze. But then I hear his husky voice murmuring Kate’s name instead of mine, and my appetite vanishes.

“Where’d you go?” I can see the concern on his face, no matter how hard he tries to conceal it.

“Nowhere,” I lie.

“I don’t believe you.”

“And I don’t know what I can say to change your mind, so maybe we should just change the subject.”

Shaking his head, he rounds the table then drops to his knees in front of me. His calloused fingers tickle against my skin as he cups my face with his strong hands.


“What, Ben?” I breathe, trying to sound indifferent even though I know he can see right through my defenses.

His sigh is heavy. “I don’t expect you to trust me again easily. And I sure as hell didn’t come over here for sex, so I don’t want you to think that I’m telling you this because I’m hoping to get into your pants. Even though I would definitely love it if you’d let me touch you again.” If I weren’t close to breaking right now, I’d find his rambling endearing.

“But I need you to know that I haven’t stopped thinking about you since I found you sitting in my exam room. You,” he emphasizes while brushing his thumb against my cheek. “Not Kate. You. You’ve been able to drown out my pain––and my haunting memories––better than anything or anyone else since Kate died. When I called you her name, it wasn’t because I was thinking of her. It was because I wasn’t, and some shitty subconscious defense mechanism stepped in to remind me of the pain I’d been drowning in. To remind me of the loss of my wife. Because when I’m around you, all of that shit starts to fade away. And that scares me. I am begging you to please stop comparing yourself to her. Because you’re not her. And that’s okay. I want you for you, Marcy Holden. For your quirks, and your giving nature, and your talents. And even your shitty cooking. Just…you. In all of your genuine glory.”

With a gentleness I don’t expect, he brushes his mouth against mine before pressing a second kiss to my forehead. “And I hope that someday, I can prove it to you.”

His touch disappears from my cheeks as he reaches for my plate and steals another bite of pancake like he didn’t just knock me on my ass. Like a scorned woman, he drops the fork back on my plate and pouts. “Well, now, they’re cold. Get some shoes on. We need some fresh pancakes, and this time, I’m getting my own short stack.”

And because I’m a sucker for the man in front of me, I slip on some moccasins then grab my keys.

“Fine, but you're buying.”



His sigh of contentment, combined with the lazy smile on his face, might just be the hottest thing I’ve ever seen as Ben leans back in his chair and pats his six-pack as if it’s a giant beer belly.

“That’s the stuff.”

“Told ya,” I tease.

“That you did, Marce. Definitely worth the second helping. Those were amazing.”

“Agreed, but you might have to roll me home after all those carbs.” I mirror his movements and rub my stomach for good measure. Only mine is much rounder. And Copyright 2016 - 2024