Crush - Kelsie Rae Page 0,40

your next appointment is waiting, Dr. Bennett.”

Shit, I’d completely lost track of time.

Glancing at the clock on the wall, I grimace. “I’ll be right there. Thanks, Trace.”


Turning back to Marcy, Anthony, and Sway, I say, “Let me print these screenshots for you to take home. I recorded the appointment, as well, so you’ll get a Blu-Ray too. You’ll be able to show off your little future soccer player kicking up a storm. Like I said before, everything looks great. Congratulations, you guys.”

“Thank you so much, Dr. Bennett. For the ultrasound, for taking good care of Marcy, and for your patience, in general. I’m sorry if we took up too much of your time,” Sway apologizes.

“You didn’t. I’d stay here all day if I could. If you have any questions, though, don’t be afraid to give me a call.” Looking down at Marcy on the table, I grab a tissue and wipe the rest of the gel from her stomach before helping her sit up.

“Thanks,” she murmurs, running her fingers through her hair in an attempt to fix it from lying down for so long.

When I catch myself staring at her, I reply, “Sure thing. I’ll, uh, I’ll text you later, okay?”

She nods while biting the inside of her cheek. “Okay.”

Ignoring the curious looks from Anthony and Sway, I lift my chin at them then head out the door in need of a stiff drink that’ll have to wait until tonight.



“Hey,” I say as I open my front door.

Ben’s hair is a little more mussed up than usual after his long day at work. His fingers run through it before he gives me a weathered smile.


I open the door up the rest of the way and step aside. “Come on in.”


It’s still weird that we’ve been hanging out so much. It started out as a few meetups here and there, but this past week has been almost a nightly occurrence. Whether it’s at his house or mine, we’ve spent our evenings watching Netflix, talking about our day, and eating food, which I’ve learned he’s really good at making if he’s not too tired from a long day at work.

However, as I left his office after the ultrasound, I knew we’d be eating take-out tonight.

There was a shift in that exam room today, and I’m just not sure what it means.

For him.

Or for us.

“I ordered Thai food. I hope that’s okay?” I mention over my shoulder as I walk into the small family room. There’s a television hanging on the wall and a small sofa in front of it that Ben has gotten accustomed to over the past couple of weeks. Collapsing onto it, he rests his arms on his knees and answers, “Sounds great. It’s been a long day.”

“I can tell. Do you want a drink? I don’t think I have any beer left in the fridge, but I think I have some vodka and Jameson in the freezer.”

Rubbing his hand over his face, he mumbles, “Whiskey sounds good. Thank you.”

“Don’t mention it. I’ll be right back.”

When I return with his drink a few minutes later, Ben is staring off into the distance with worry lines etched around his kind eyes, and I’d do anything to make them disappear. I shuffle closer, praying he doesn’t notice the way I was studying him.

The ice clinks against the glass as I hand it to him.

“Thanks,” he mutters before bringing it to his lips.

“You doing okay?”

He shrugs. “Delivered a baby today with pneumonia. She’s in the NICU, but it’s touch and go right now.”

“She was born with pneumonia?”

He nods.

“I didn’t even know that was possible.”

“I’ve told you, Marce. Lots of things can go wrong in a pregnancy. Most of the time, it doesn’t, and everything goes smoothly, but sometimes….” Raising the glass, he takes another long swallow of the amber liquid.

“That…sucks,” I offer after a few seconds even though I know it doesn’t even begin to describe how terrible the situation is. I can’t imagine what the parents must be feeling right now. Carefully, I press my palm to my round stomach.

Please be healthy, I pray to no one in particular. I’ve never been overly religious, but I have always felt that someone is looking out for me and those in need. I just hope he or she is looking out for Anthony and Sway’s little baby too.

He looks up at me before cocking his head to the side. “Are you planning on just standing all night, or are you going to come sit Copyright 2016 - 2024