Crush - Kelsie Rae Page 0,34

Do people actually go to those?

DRBen918: Are you serious right now? And will you take away my man card if I tell you they used to know me by name?

Marcy123Marcy: I might have to steal it. I mean, they don’t hand those man cards out to just anyone. And what do you mean they USED to know your name?

DRBen918: I used to go every weekend with Kate, but after she died, I didn’t really feel like going. However, today, I’ve got an itch to go try some cheese and buy some veggies. Would you like to come with me? Who knows, maybe we can even grab you an apron.

Without giving me too much time to overthink his invitation, another message pops up.

DRBen918: But only if you promise to let me keep that blasted man card.

I snort and shake my head.

Marcy123Marcy: I guess I should probably attend a farmer’s market before I strip your man card. So, yes. I’d love to tag along and eat cheese. And maybe even invest in an apron if you insist on dragging me to these things.

DRBen918: Perfect. I’ll pick you up at 10.

There are those damn butterflies again.

Marcy123Marcy: See you soon.

“So, what’s your story, Marcy Holden?” Ben asks as we walk down the center aisle with a cup of freshly cut fruit and lemonade.

Wrapping my lips around the straw, I take a sip of the tart liquid and shrug one shoulder. “I don’t know? My family moved to Sunnyville when I was in high school. After I graduated, I decided to learn a trade and picked up photography while I was working at Bertha's diner since I wasn’t really interested in going to college. Aaand, that’s my life in a nutshell.”

“What about your family? Any siblings? Are you close with your parents?”

“One older sister, but she moved out of state after high school for college. We talk once a month over the phone and see each other during the holidays, but that’s about it. When my parents retired, they moved down to Florida and have been soaking up the sunshine ever since.”

“But you stayed here? In Sunnyville?”

With another shrug, I answer, “Yup. There’s something charming about Sunnyville, even if the dating pool is less than shallow for a girl like me.”

“Less than shallow?” he prods, his voice dripping with interest.

“Not all of us meet our soulmates in high school,” I quip before stealing the cup of fruit from him. The fresh strawberries are divine.

“How did you know I met Kate in high school?”

“Dylan might’ve mentioned it,” I hedge, my cheeks turning pink as I realize I’ve been caught talking about him behind his back.

“Ah, yes. Good ol’ Dylan Malone.”

“She’s something else.”

“That, she is. She’s good for Grady, though.”

“They’re perfect together,” I agree, my inner girl gushing over their relationship. Perfect doesn’t even begin to describe how amazing they are for each other. I peek over at Ben before putting another piece of fruit in my mouth.

His brows furrow before he demands, “What was that?”

“What do you mean?”

“You had a look.”

“What look?”

“That one.” His forefinger motions to my face.

Laughing, I reply, “I’m sorry, is there something wrong with the way I look?”

“There’s nothing wrong with the way you look, trust me, you just…made a face like you were thinking about something.”

“Better get your eyes checked, Dr. Bennett,” I tease, praying he’ll drop the subject.

Those same flinty eyes narrow as he assesses me closer. “I think you’re full of shit. We’re friends, remember? You can tell me what you were thinking.”

A frustrated sigh escapes me. “It’s not that big of a deal. I just get a little jealous when I see happy couples because I’ve yet to find my soulmate or whatever you want to call him.”

His face blanches when he realizes the giant-ass can of worms he just opened. His steps falter as he mutters, “Marce––”

I raise my hand and stop him. “It’s fine. It can be a little discouraging, that’s all. But you had Kate, so you don’t really get it. You’ve felt that way before. You’ve had someone feel that way about you. Then there’s me. The girl who has always been the friend, the casual hook up, and the dirty little secret. It’s annoying and frustrating and just…blah. Can we please change the subject?”

Tucking a strand of hair behind my ear, I take another gulp of the fresh lemonade as his gaze bounces around my face like he’s searching for…something.

With a sigh, he leads me to the nearest booth that’s practically overflowing with Copyright 2016 - 2024