Crush - Kelsie Rae Page 0,3

the front of the room. All three of our heads pop up. A cute nurse with blonde hair is holding a clipboard in her arms while scanning the waiting room. I guess it’s showtime. Clearing my dry throat, I stand up and wipe my sweaty palms against my dark blue jeans then walk the short distance to the nurse. Anthony and Sway follow behind me, trying to give me space even though they’re just as anxious as I am.

We’re all in this together. I just hope I can deliver my end of the deal.

“Hi, I’m Marcy Holden.”

The nurse’s gaze veers around me before returning to me with a silent question.

“They’re with me,” I answer.

With a brisk nod, she turns on her heel and beckons for me to follow. “Right this way. I’m Tracey. I’m sure we’ll be seeing plenty of each other over the next few months. If you ever have any questions or need anything, don’t hesitate to reach out. We’re going to get your weight and blood pressure, then Dr. Bennett will be right in.”

“Sounds good.”

I don’t bother to look at the numbers on the scale because they’ll only be going up for the next eight months, and Tracey is experienced enough not to voice the numbers out loud. Satisfied with the result, she simply scratches down a few numbers before guiding us to the closest room. There’s an exam table, two chairs, a small sink, and a big piece of equipment that I assume is an ultrasound machine. But who knows? Maybe it’s an alien detector or a pizza maker. I’m not the one with the medical degree.

“You can take a seat on the exam table, and we’ll get your blood pressure taken care of.” Pointing to the two dark blue upholstered chairs, Tracy turns to Anthony and Sway. “You two are welcome to sit here.”

“Thanks,” Anthony replies as he and Sway sit down on the edge of their seats. Despite Anthony’s confidence in the waiting room, I know he’s just as nervous as Sway and me. It’s even worse than the official transfer appointment because now I know I’m carrying their child, and I desperately want to give them what they deserve––a healthy, happy little baby.

On autopilot, I offer my arm to the nurse, and she wraps the blood pressure cuff around my bicep before announcing, “120 over 80.”

I stare blankly at her. “Is that a good thing?”

She smiles. “That’s perfect. I need you to change into this hospital gown then put this blanket over your lap so you’ll be ready for the exam. I’ll let Dr. Bennett know you’re ready.”

My mouth feels like it’s full of cotton balls, so I simply nod as she disappears through the door. Pushing themselves up from their seated positions, Anthony announces, “We’ll wait out in the hall while you change,” then they close the door softly behind them, leaving me alone in the sterile room.

Change my clothes. I can do that.

Like a robot, I strip down then slip the itchy material over my bare skin.

Breathe, Marcy.

The paper on the exam table crinkles as I sit back down and place the white piece of cloth over my lap. The silence in the room is heavy, but I soak it up like a dry sponge and close my eyes.

A loud knock makes me jump seconds later before I squeak out, “Come in.”

The door opens. “Hey, I found a few strays in the hall. Do they belong to you?”

I freeze, my tongue losing all sense of how to form words as I take in the sexiest doctor I’ve ever seen in my entire life. In fact, I’m pretty sure he escaped from the set of Grey’s Anatomy to be here today.

Am I being Punk’d?

“Do you mind if they join us for the appointment?” he prods with a sexy smirk. There’s no way this guy doesn’t know what he does to his patients. “I’ll send them out when I do the internal exam, though.”

Eyes widening, my cheeks heat as I register what the hell he just said. Internal exam? With a guy that looks like that?

Kill me. Kill me now.

I haven’t had sex in at least six months, but at least I got all spiffied up down there for the embryo transfer, so there won’t be a bush or anything. Still. This is just mean. I’m going to kill Dylan the next time I see her. She’d mentioned he was good looking. But she didn’t mention he could melt the panties off a Copyright 2016 - 2024