Crush - Kelsie Rae Page 0,26

in five seconds flat before it’s sent into cyberspace.

Shit. I shouldn’t have done that.

Squeezing my eyes shut, I wait.

And wait.

And wait.

You’re an idiot, Marcy. Did you really send a picture of you in a freaking bubble bath to him? Are you even allowed to take bubble baths now that you’re pregnant? I thought I read that somewhere, but maybe I’m imagining things. Now, you’re gonna look like an idiot. Or maybe I didn’t send him the bathtub one? Maybe it was the one in bed? That one’s better, but then again, it’s like four in the afternoon. Who on earth would be in bed in the middle of the day? Now, I’m gonna look like a lazy slob. What else is in that folder? Which one did I even send? This was a terrible idea. I’m horrified. How the hell am I supposed to go to my next doctor’s appointment and look him in the eye when––

My phone vibrates, and I jump in surprise before fumbling with the lock screen like a crazy person.

DRBen918: Why hello to you too.

Marcy123Marcy: Hi.

DRBen918: Tell me, do you read minds?

Marcy123Marcy: No, why?

DRBen918: Because I’ve been thinking about you a lot lately, but I didn’t know how to reach out. Seems I should’ve just followed your lead, though. That picture made my day.

Curious, I reopen the image I’d sent to see which one actually went through before busting up on my couch. There, front and center is my unimpressed face saved for unsolicited dick pics that find their way into my inbox.

What the hell?

I mean…I know I picked blindly, but out of all the pictures I had in the folder, that’s the one that was sent?

I slap my palm to my forehead, searching every nook and cranny in my brain for something witty to reply.

Marcy123Marcy: Glad I could help. Are you as unimpressed with your day as I am?

DRBen918: Definitely. Everything that could go wrong has gone wrong today. It’s been a mess. And then I got a message from you.

It’s the way he writes it. Like his message isn’t a simple play-by-play itinerary of his day. It’s as if my picture was the solution to all the problems he’d been dealing with. And that’s what really gets to me.

With the knowledge of how lame I sound while still feeling desperate for his attention, I type my response.

Marcy123Marcy: Happy to help. Is there anything else I could do to ease the pain of your day?

He doesn’t reply.

Of course, he doesn’t.

So I start typing again.

Marcy123Marcy: BTW, I’m sorry if I made our date weird. I want you to know that I was serious about the whole friends plus benefits thing. I know you’re not looking for a relationship, and I promise I’m okay with that. Honestly, I’m even fine if you want to drop the whole benefits part too. Your messages have been making me smile, and I’d love for them to continue.

Before I can press send, a notification pops up.

And I freeze.

DRBen918: Thanks, but I think I’m good for right now. I just need to sort through a few things. Make sure you keep up with your prenatals. I’ll see you at your next appointment.

Holding down the delete button, I wait for my message to disappear then close the app without bothering to reply.

I guess that’s that.

If only I could explain why his brush off hurts like hell.



“Hey, sorry I’m late,” I mutter as soon as Krista opens her front door.

“No worries. I got your text. Is Dylan okay? How’s her voice? Still intact? Is she gonna be able to put out another platinum record? Because so help me, if you didn’t protect those vocal cords….”

Krista fell in love with the infamous Dylan as soon as she released her first album. When she found out I was her OB/GYN, she almost had a heart attack.

“Mama and baby are as healthy as can be,” I explain to put her at ease.

“And the vocal cords?”

I laugh. “Perfect condition.”

“Phew.” After rubbing the back of her hand across her forehead dramatically, she steps aside and invites me into her house. “Come on. I wrapped up your plate and put it in the fridge.”

“Thanks.” I follow her down the hall to the kitchen before noticing something different in her usual house of chaos. When I realize what it is, I scan the premises in confusion.

“Why haven’t I been tackled by three small monsters?”

“Ron finally signed us up for Disney+. It’s the most peace and quiet I’ve had in…six years?”

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