Crush - Kelsie Rae Page 0,18

was in bad shape until Dylan showed up. When he lost his partner, Drew, in a fire accident, he lost himself. She was able to bring the Grady everyone knew and loved back to the surface, and now, they’re having a kid. And Dylan’s past isn’t exactly a walk in the park, either. They’ve each had their own trials, and sometimes it’s nice to have the reminder that if they could handle theirs, maybe I could handle mine, even on the sleepless nights when Kate’s vacant eyes haunt me.

Blinking slowly, I enter the exam room and get right to work in hopes of drowning out the memories.

After checking Dylan’s cervix a few minutes later, I slip off my gloves, and I ask, “Have you been having any contractions?”

“Just Braxton Hicks,” Dylan admits with a shrug. “Nothing too out of the ordinary.”

“Are they more consistent? Stronger, perhaps?”

“Maybe a little?” Turning to Grady, she gives him a helpless look, and he responds by planting a quick kiss to her forehead before turning his attention to me.

“Is everything okay, Ben?”

“Yeah, of course. It’s good news. Dylan’s making progress. Her cervix is about eighty percent effaced, and she’s dilated to a three. It could be anytime. I’d recommend you start timing those contractions and make sure to look for consistency. If they become two minutes apart, I want you to check into the hospital.”

“Do you think it’s close?” Grady’s concern for his wife battles his excitement at the prospect that he’ll get to hold his baby girl soon.

My chest tightens. “It’s hard to say, but yeah. If I had to guess, I think Baby Malone will be here before your appointment next week.”

“Well, I hope we don’t ruin your date tonight,” Dylan quips with a knowing smile as she rubs her baby bump. The girl looks like she’s about to pop, but I’m not about to point that out to her.

I cock my head to the side. “My date tonight?”

Dylan grimaces before explaining, “I’m friends with Marcy. I may or may not have pried it out of her during brunch today.”

“Oh.” Usually, I’d be pissed that a girl in town is telling everyone about my dating life, especially when most of them knew Kate. It makes me feel like I’m not being faithful even though she’s been gone for years. But for some reason, the knowledge that Marcy told her friend I was taking her out feels…okay? Good, even. Like I should puff out my chest and pound on it a few times for good measure.

“I’m sorry if you didn’t want her to tell anyone or anything,” Dylan continues, misreading my silence for anger. “I swear, she wasn’t going to tell me. I really did have to pry it––”

“It’s fine, Dylan. I’m just surprised, I guess. She seems like a pretty private person.” And I like that about her. I like that a lot. It makes me feel like I can trust her. Open up to her without worrying about the rest of the town being privy to the information.

Dylan breathes a smile of relief. “She is. Super private, actually. But she’s awesome. I’m sure you two will have a great time.”

“I’m sure we will too. But take it easy today, and like I said, start timing those contractions.”

“We will.” Grady offers his hand, and I give it a firm shake. “Thanks again for everything.”

“Anytime, man. We’ll see you later.”

My phone vibrates against the keys in my scrub pocket, and Dylan’s smile widens into a grin. “Tell Marcy hi for me. Bye.”

Shaking my head, I watch Grady usher Dylan out of the exam room while trying to contain my amusement. And because I’m a sucker, I pull out my phone as soon as they round the corner and leave me alone.

Marcy123Marcy: Can I bring anything to dinner tonight? I feel bad showing up empty-handed.

DRBen918: Nope. Just bring yourself. I’ll take care of everything.

Marcy123Marcy: Hmm…with how much of a stickler you are with sexting etiquette, I feel like this is a trap. What kind of guest would I be if I didn’t bring something to the table?

DRBen918: I’d be happy to snack on you, if you insist….

Tracey pops up with a smirk when she sees me gripping my phone.

“Ready to admit you’ve met someone yet?”


“You sweet, naive man. She’s got you good, Ben.”

And even though I don’t acknowledge Tracey’s comment, a single thought filters through my head.

I’m in trouble.



Stomach rolling, I pull up in the driveway and take a deep breath.

Damn nerves.

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