Cruel Prince(Royal Hearts Academy #1) - A. Jade Page 0,74

barks, “Get over here.”

Oh no he didn’t.

I look around the patio. “I’m sorry, are you talking to me? Because I don’t respond to Neanderthals.” I narrow my eyes. “If you want me so bad, you can bring your ass over here.”

Slowly, he rakes his gaze over my body. “Is that so?”

My heart is in my throat as he treks the short distance to me.

“Here I am,” he rasps, his voice rough and husky.

There’s no denying the challenge laden in his words, but I force myself not to react. He’s drunk, it’s his birthday, and he’s pushing my buttons. Nothing more, nothing less.

“Yup, here you are. Now what’s your problem?”

My breath hitches when he hooks his finger onto the belt loop of my jeans and tugs me to him. “You.”

Jesus. I tamp down the urge to run my hand over the impressive set of abs and prominent bulge I’m compressed against. “Fine, then I’ll leave.”

His hand curls around my hip possessively, and he sways ever so slightly. “No—”

“What the hell do you think you’re doing, you ugly little tramp?” a shrill voice demands.

Of course, Britney would come out here to mark her territory.

Although after what I overheard, territory is debatable.

Oakley and Cole stop talking, no doubt preparing for round two. However, I’m tired of the drama, so I pay her no mind.

I start to withdraw, but Jace tightens his grip and looks over his shoulder at Cole. “I’m gonna head out.”

The way he’s slurring his words and swaying tells me the whiskey just hit him like a freight train.

Britney’s the least of my worries when he digs his keys out of his pocket.

“You can’t drive, Jace.”

“I’ll be fine,” he argues, taking a step back.

“Are you okay, sweetie?” Britney coos.

Ignoring her, I concentrate on him. “You’re drunk.” I look at Oakley. “Come on, we can drop him off on the way home.”

Oakley starts to nod, but Hayley pouts. “But, bunny, you promised we could spend the night here.”

That’s news to me.

Something passes in Oakley’s gaze and he shrugs. “She’s right. Sorry, cous.” He kisses Hayley’s arm. “What my girl wants, my girl gets.”

Awesome. He pretty much dragged me here for no reason.

Cole holds up his hands. “I’d drive, but I’ve had a few beers.” He grins down at the brunette. “I was planning on crashing here for the night too.”

Jace plows past me. “I’m fine.”

I grab his arm. “Give me your keys. I can drive you home.” Thinking fast, I add, “Or I can call you an Uber. Either one works.”

He mumbles something incoherent.

“Um, excuse me,” Britney snaps. “I’m his girlfriend, therefore, I’ll take him home.”

I swear it feels like everyone’s eyes are on us.

Stuffing down the urge to put the bitch in her place, I twist around to face her. “Have you had anything to drink?”

As much as I hate the idea of Britney giving him a ride, it’s more important that he gets home safe. Considering he hates my guts, I’m pretty sure he’d prefer leaving with her.

“I had like half a Bay Breeze three hours ago.”

A quick assessment attests she’s not impaired. “Fine, but—”

“Oh, God. Fuck off, bitch.” She pushes me out of the way. “No way in hell am I gonna stand by and let you try to violate him.”

Say what now? “Excuse me?”

She tosses her head back and cackles. “Oh, honey. Everyone knows you’re obsessed with Jace. I wouldn’t put it past you or your desperation to take advantage of him in his inebriated state, because you know it’s the only way he’d ever fuck you.”

“Wow, Brit-Brit. Projecting much?”

Her eyes narrow into tiny slits. “I beg your pardon?”

Nope, not gonna air Jace’s dirty laundry. “Nothing.”

“That’s what I thought.” She drums her talons up and down Jace’s chest. Eyes closed, he looks like he’s trying his hardest not to throw up. “Now run along and find some other poor guy who’s drunk enough to screw trash like you.” Her nose crinkles. “I’ve got this covered.”

A few people laugh.

“Want some cream for that burn?” some guy calls out.

More laughing.

My hand twitches with the need to launch my fist into her face, but if I do, it won’t end there and Jace might take off during the fight.

Swallowing my pride, I move out of the way.

Britney laces her arm through one of Jace’s. “Let’s go, babe.”

Shaking his head, he staggers back. “No.”

Britney rolls her eyes. “Fine, we’ll hang out inside for a little while.”

She tries tugging him, but Jace doesn’t budge.

“Jace, hon—”

“No,” he grinds out so low and deadly the Copyright 2016 - 2024