Cruel Kisses (It's Just High School #2) - Thandiwe Mpofu Page 0,125


“Since when don’t you know?” Dad grunts, pissing me off now.

I don’t want to tell him the truth. The truth that I don’t know if I believe her simply because if I do, if I hold on to the quiver that I heard in her voice or the way her tears broke my damn heart the last time I saw her, then I’ll succumb only to let her shatter me all over again.

“I have old Band-Aids all over my soul that are barely holding me together, Julian. You can’t possibly love someone like me.”

Fuck, didn’t she know that I have a thin thread loosely running through mine? That I loved her for so long, I would’ve gladly taken her in any way that I could and now… protecting her when she was just playing me… I don’t want to believe that, so I don’t fucking know.

“Since she entered my life like a fucking storm, I’ve no idea what the fuck is going on.”

The most raw, honest answer I’ve admitted to my father, hell to myself. I notice him glance at me from the corner of his eye, studying me and for the first time in my life, I see something I’ve never seen in his eyes before.

Complete and utter understanding.

We don’t say a word, as we stand there. Time stretches and expands as we stare out at the city. There so much I want to say, but I don’t. So much I wanted to do but will never get the chance to do any of that shit.

It’s fucked up, sure, but in all that, I just clench my jaw and then sigh, turning around to grab my suit jacket so we can get this dog and pony show on the road.

I might rot in jail soon. I might not get to live the life I wanted to live or watch my brother grow into an incredible human being, full of life. I might miss out on so many opportunities of being right there with my best friend as we broke record after record in football, all that might happen, but the one thing I regret the most, is kissing Mia that first time.

I should’ve never kissed her.

When we get to court, Old Grey is waiting at the door, looking flustered and out of breath like he’s just run a thirty-yard sprint and is about to have a heart attack from it. High cholesterol, definitely.

“Henry?” Dad questions, a frown on his face.

“The judge threw out the case,” he pants, his face red, eyes wide with shock.

“What?” Dad demands like he didn’t hear him the first time.

“In all my years practicing law, a case like this has almost always been a sure shoe-in, but when I arrived here ten minutes ago and talked to the clerk, she told me the judge threw out the case a few minutes ago and that all charges were dropped against your boy,” Old Grey shouts, practically bouncing off his feet, a proud look on his face while I just stand there, staring at him, trying to hear what he’s not saying. The why part of it.

“They just dropped the case?” I question, my stomach sinking, not knowing what to do with this.


“Just like that?” Dad asks, an impassive look on his face that mirrors mine. Is he thinking what I’m thinking?

“Yes, this is good news! You could be a little happier.”

Oh, I’m thrilled., just jumping with joy. Dad and I glance at each other. Why the sudden change of heart now, Mia? What game are you now playing at?

Just then, I see Cole and Liam walking toward us, both of them dressed to the nines in tailor made suits, sans tie. I’m the only one who looks like a damn highly paid car salesman with the damn tie Dad forced me to put on.

I see it on their faces before they even come to a stop. They know.

“Holy shit, you’re free!” Liam hollers, confirming my suspicions.

They know and they had something to do with this.

“Where is she?” I grit out, my voice so low, Cole quirks an eyebrow, sensing my anger.

“You could look a little happier,” he counters.

“What did you do?” I demand just as Dad turns to Old Grey and shakes his hand, dismissing him. I turn fully to look at my brother and best friend just as Dad joins the little circle in front of the courthouse.

“Okay you two, what the hell is going on?” Dad demands, his voice brooking no argument.

“Come on, Dad,” Copyright 2016 - 2024