Crow's Revenge - By Marcus Alexander Page 0,95

Constantina. Close but not quite. Charlie Keeper is a wilful brat who is not even slightly royal. Although she has the acquaintance of a young Hatchling, she isn’t, I believe, engaged to a Winged One.’

Constanina shrugged. ‘How disappointing.’

Narcissa continued. ‘However, you are right about her working with the Jade Circle. She carries a pendant from the Winged Ones that supposedly holds the key to stopping Bane’s attack on Bellania. The necklace is what makes her so special.’

‘But she’s the same Charlie who burned our roof and drugged Stix?’

‘Yes, one and the same.’

‘Well, if she’s supposed to be the one who’s going to save us from the Western Menace, how come she caused so much trouble here?’

‘How? Because she’s a dangerous, evil-minded brat! She’s a manipulative, scheming little spider and she has somehow managed to trick the Jade Circle into thinking that she is the most suitable candidate to use the pendant against Bane. I, however, think that there’s someone closer to home who could do a better job. Someone who could rise high enough to become the hero that Sylvaris so desperately needs.’

‘Who?’ asked Constantina breathlessly.

‘Why, my dear, I would have thought that you would prove to be a perfect candidate,’ suggested Narcissa.

‘Me? Really, do you think so?’ gushed Constantina. ‘Do you think I could be … Well, hang on, of course I could! Now that I think about it, I can see that you’re absolutely right, Mother! I should be the one who holds the pendant. It should definitely be someone from our family who leads Sylvaris forward. After all, we are the most prestigious Human family in this city, not the Keepers.’

‘That’s my girl!’ Narcissa smiled. Her face shone with beauty, yet deep within her eyes something nasty glittered as she watched her plans begin to unfold.

‘But how are we going to get the pendant?’

‘How? Well, my dear, that is a very good question. Now, let me tell you …’


The Challenge

‘All right, then, lass, enough of the touristy stuff,’ said Kelko as the evening approached. ‘Methinks it’s time ta see something that’s a bit more special.’

‘Kelko, everything I’ve seen so far has been special. All these sights that you’ve shown me … Well, I’ve never seen anything like it before, ever!’

Charlie’s head was still spinning. Kelko, with Sic Boy at his side, had been taking great delight in showing her around the city. It felt like she’d explored every last inch of Sylvaris. She’d seen the Great Bazaar, where almost every imaginable item was for sale or trade. Even some unimaginable items were there too, like the Lacquer Tea Step, a tool for making tea that doubled as a footstool, or the Spiral Telescope Picker, which allowed star-gazers to watch the night skies and discreetly pick their nose at the same time.

She’d been to the Whispering Heights – Sylvaris’s tallest buildings, which made mournful sounds when the strong southern wind blew – and she’d walked through the Vanilla Orchid Fields. She’d applauded the daring acts of the street acrobats and trapeze artists who busked for money along the Crooked Silver Bridge and she’d even admired the great piles of teeth that were on display in the shop windows down Dentist Street.

In fact, every corner that she turned seemed to hold some new surprise. Every building or street or square or bridge that she visited promised something strange or exotic. Charlie had to admit that she was falling in love with the Treman city.

‘Yeah, well, if ya thought everything else was special, then dis is really gonna blow yer mind,’ said Kelko with a wide grin. ‘Blossom, hold on ta yer little cotton socks as I now present ta ya … Hold on, shut yer eyes while I lead ya around dis corner, ready? OK, open yer eyes and behold! The Colosseum – home of K’Changa!’

Charlie’s eyes boggled as she took in the view. The Colosseum was a huge open-air affair similar to the ancient Roman arenas on Earth. With the last glimpse of the sun setting behind it, it appeared magnificent.

The Colosseum was heaving with people and the noise was almost deafening. Bubbling cheers, catcalls and raucous shouts washed over Charlie as the trio entered. Blazing torches lit both the stadium and the darkening sky. Thick smells and spicy scents from Tremen snack food wafted across the air. She could hear the hawking cries of vendors selling their food, yelling and calling at the tops of their voices so that they could be heard above the mass of Copyright 2016 - 2024