A Crown Of Smoke And Ash - Sloane Murphy Page 0,96

if I’m ready to go there again, or if I ever will be.”

“I’ll kick his stupid ass.”

“It’s cool, I got this. It’s kind of fun watching him beg.” She shrugs, and I smile.

“As long as you’re good, I’m good. But I will kick his ass if you ask me too. Pretty sure any of the guys would too if I ask.”

“Now that, I’d like to see. It’s almost unfair that you keep all of that hotness to yourself.” She fans her face, and I laugh.

“I’m a lucky girl,” I tell her with a smile.

“That you are, now why is your bag empty?” she looks at me questioning, and I huff.

“I have no fucking idea what to pack.”

“Have you asked Kain?” she says rolling her eyes at me.

“No, because, well, that seems stupid.”

“No, stupid is sitting here, agonizing over something this ridiculous when you could just ask him. You don’t even need to look at him, you have your telepathic bond, right?” I nod. I’d kinda forgot about that, because we use it so rarely.

Hey, you got a second?

I’ve got a lifetime for you, mon amour. Where are you?

Just with Fallon, but you don’t need to move. I just, err, well I feel stupid asking, but what sort of stuff should I pack? Roman said the Dracul live a life of luxury, and well, I’m a jeans and t-shirt kind of girl.

You wear and pack whatever you want my love. What you wear does not matter, who you are is what is important.

That doesn’t really help me.

I have stuff for you at the castle from other lives, should still all fit, so you’ll be fine if needed.

Wait, castle?

Yes, mon amour. Now finish packing, I’ll see you soon.

He disconnects from whatever it is that joins us, and I let out a breath.

“It’s a fucking castle.”

“I’m sorry, what?” Fallon gasps.

“Yep, he said he has stuff for me at his freaking castle. So, I didn’t need to worry about what to pack. Fuck my life. A Castle, Fallon. A freaking castle!”

“This is so good, I am so jealous!” She cries and laughs at me. “Next time you go, I’m so coming!”

“Are you ready, mon amour?” Kain knocks at my door as I finish sliding my boots on.

“As ready as I’m going to be,” I tell him, the weight of everything is growing, and I’m trying not to let it overwhelm me, but with everything that happened with the Witches, and Marie confirming that the situation with the hybrids is bigger than we thought, that something is coming, and I’m at the center of it all, I just can’t breathe properly if I think about all of it. Especially since I know that after this visit, we’re working on the Hunters, but yet again, we don’t know who we can trust.

“It will be fine, Remy,” Kain says, as he pulls me close and strokes the nape of my neck with his thumb. “I will not let anything happen to you. I am looking forward to you meeting my family. I already sent some of my clan home to prepare, so Luc will be at the castle waiting for us, while Lysandra holds the fort with the rest who remain here.”

“There’s so many different things going on. Just one thing going wrong could ruin everything.” I sigh, and he kisses me, soft but deep, cherishing.

“It will be fine, mon amour. You will see. Now let’s get going. Fallon is ready to dive into my mind and open this portal for us.” He looks at me, and I can’t help but laugh at the expression on his face. He’s not looking forward to letting her in his mind, but he’s doing it for me.

“Thank you. I really do appreciate it.”

“I think the little Witch is looking forward to it more than she’s letting on.” He rolls his eyes, and I can’t help but laugh softly again.

“Just remember to think of home, and just home, and that is all she will see. She’s not diving deep, just enough to get us where we need to go,” I tell him and kiss his cheek.

“I know, I know.” He grabs my bag and leads me out of the room, one arm still firmly around my waist. He heads outside to the back field where Colt, Fallon, and the guys are waiting for us.

“Looking forward to portal travel, Princess? Can’t be worse than flying,” Roman says as we approach and holds out his arms. I move to him and hug him

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