A Crown Of Smoke And Ash - Sloane Murphy Page 0,6

to check out the sun trap at some point.

While I know I have things to worry about, something about being here, away from real life, filters everything away. I don't want to worry about the unrest with the Hunters, the lies from the Elders. The issues with the Dracul, and Lycans. The rogues, and whatever weapon it is that my dad was injured with. All of that seems like a world away from here, tucked away in a box at the back of my brain. As if being arrested and sentenced to death removed some of the sense of urgency to fix all of their problems.

I tighten the robe around me, debating if I should dress before I go and find breakfast, but decide against it. I head back towards the kitchen, trying to find a clock as I go, but see nothing. The sun is still rising, so it can’t be too late. I reach the kitchen and find it empty, so I make myself busy. I grab some eggs and ham from the refrigerator, and pull the rest of the ingredients to make eggs benedict. It’s been a while since I even attempted making it, but it’s my favorite, so why not.

“You look comfortable.” My head whips up at his voice, and I watch as he takes me in, bed head, robe, and all. His face gives away nothing as his gaze reaches mine.

“I figured I’d try and make some breakfast,” I tell him, and go back to opening cupboards to find the pans I need.

“Considering you slept for two days, and everything you’ve been through, I’m not surprised you’re hungry.” I drop the pan in my hands at his words, swearing as it clatters on the ground at my feet.

“Two freaking days?” I pick up the pan and place it on the stovetop.

“Yes. I guess you were tired. I would be if I were you too. Everly will be back soon, I’m sure she’d happily put some food together for you.” His eyes laugh and it hits me—he knows I’m a terrible cook. I huff and blow some hair off of my face.

“I can cook,” I say, my hands on my hips, and he laughs again. “Fine, so I can’t, but points for effort, right?”

“Something like that.” He chuckles again.

“You seem different,” I say, eyeing him. The laughter, he seems so relaxed, it throws me off.

“I’m at home, you are safe. There are no imminent threats to your life right this second.” He shrugs as if that explains everything. “Other than your cooking of course.”

“Oh, shut up, you. So, I can’t cook, so what. Can you?”

“I enjoy cooking, I just don’t usually have time for it. I am not here very often.”

“Oh,” I reply, unsure what else to say. I have a dozen questions for him, but I’m not sure he’ll answer them even if I ask.

“Where, exactly, are we?” I ask, figuring that’s a safe enough question to start with.

“My home is about seventy miles from Salem’s Bay. We are in a small town, Eppingworth. The town has a farmers market on Fridays, which is where Everly is currently.”

“Oh,” I say again.

“And, are my family safe? My friends?” I ask and his eyes darken.

“I’m not sure which of them you consider friends, but yes, they are all well. Safe, that’s debatable, but they are not currently harmed.” His voice deepens with his words, and it feels like it scratches my brain, sending a shiver down my spine. “As for your… consorts… they are also well. They have been asking after you, they will arrive here Monday evening.”

My eyes go wide and my face heats at his words. Consorts. I mean, really.

“They’re coming here? You know them? They’ve been in contact?”

“Yes, and yes. That’s what I just said.”

“Why Monday?”

“Because that’s when I decided to allow them onto my property. Each of them have failed you, in their own way. I do not forgive their actions as easily as you appear to.” His dark blue eyes turn stormy, and the room fills with what feels like static energy, rippling over my skin.

“I don’t see what there is to forgive,” I tell him pointedly, trying to calm him down, because holy shit, Angel power is no joke.

“What there is to forgive?” he says the words softly, yet so menacing that I almost take a step back, but I hold my place, remembering his anger is not aimed at me. “They allowed you to go into that warehouse of horrors,

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