A Crown Of Smoke And Ash - Sloane Murphy Page 0,56

before leaving the room. Roman follows suit but whispers to me to find him before I go to bed, leaving me alone with Levi.

“You cannot think, that for one second, I would want her when I have you?” he asks incredulously, and I shrug feeling a little childish, and more than a little petty for letting my jealousy get the best of me. “Remy, I told you once a long time ago. There is no-one, in any realm, for me other than you. Not since the moment I saw you.”

“I know, I know. Stupid human feelings,” I sigh, taking my feet from his lap and tucking them under me. “I hate feeling this way, and I’ve no doubt that I’m going to have moments when I’m traveling with those two over the next few weeks too. I just need to get better control of myself.”

“What you need, Remy, is more faith in us. We each agreed to share you, despite everything, you think that we don’t get jealous sometimes? None of us expect, or would even want, someone other than you. We love you, each of us, in our own way. If you don’t know that yet, then you need to open your eyes and take it in. Let it into your heart. Is it conventional? Not even a little, but that’s only by human standards. The Dracul are known for their fluidity, having just one partner is considered strange to them, it is the same with Angels & Lycans, unless you find your mate, monogamy isn’t really a thing. Trust us, Remy. Trust yourself.”

“I’m sorry.” I hang my head, and he lifts it, a finger under my chin.

“Do not be sorry, Angel. Just do not doubt how I feel for you.” He kisses me softly before standing. “You should sleep, you’ve had a long few days. We’ll talk more in the morning.”

“Okay,” I say, rising from my seat. “I love you.”

“I love you too, Remy.”

I walk into the kitchen the next morning in nothing more than a tank and boy shorts, total bed head, and practically walk straight into Serafina. I hold in my snarl as she looks down at me, disdain all over her face.

“Morning Remy,” Levi calls out from the table, and I wave with a yawn, heading for the coffee pot.

“Morning. You guys are up and about early,” I say, trying not to yawn again as I fill my mug. “Everything okay?”

“I’m just leaving,” Serafina says, her voice taut, as she turns to look at me.

“You’re not staying for breakfast?” I say as sweetly as I can, and Levi chokes back a laugh.

“No, I need to get back to Avalon before anyone realizes I’m missing. I’ll see you soon Leviathan.” She ignores me as she leaves the room, god knows how to get back to Avalon, but I wave at her back, trying not to stick my tongue out at her.

“Handled like an adult.” Levi laughs as I sit next to him at the table.

“Is she gone?” Everly appears in the doorway from the pantry and I laugh. “Fates above I do not like her.”

“Told you it wasn’t just me.” I stick my tongue out at Levi and he shakes his head.

“She’s just a little hard. Life as a soldier in Avalon can do that to you. I was worse than that, before. Not even that long ago.”

“Don’t I know it. My first few days here, you were a freaking delight.” I pan, and Everly bursts out laughing.

“You’re not wrong.”

“Heyyyy!” Levi says with a smile, but picks my hand up and kisses it anyway.

“You ready for breakfast?” Everly asks, and I just grin at her.

“Aren’t I always?”

“I like to see a girl with a good appetite. It’s not healthy, the way some of these people just pick at food. What would you like this morning?”

“Dealers choice,” I tell her, I’m really not fussy. Everything she makes is beyond divine. She starts moving around the kitchen, and I relax into my chair, pulling my knees up against my chest, and sip my coffee while Levi reads whatever it is Serafina bought here for him. I don’t even bother asking, because I know that until the others are here, he won’t say, rather than explain everything twice.

The smells of whatever is cooking must reach the rest of the house because it’s not long before those three filter through to the kitchen.

“No Fallon?” I ask, and Creek shakes his head.

“Marie came and got her already. She was needed back

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