A Crown Of Smoke And Ash - Sloane Murphy Page 0,44

heard of it,” Creek says, confused.

“And you normally never would unless you became an Elder or worked on the archives. The Elder Tower isn’t far from here, but it won’t be easy to reach. The tower is in the middle of San Diego, it’s just another skyscraper in the business district, totally unnoticeable. And yet, it is heavily guarded. There are cells there, and when people enter, they do not come out again, so please, please be careful.” She tells us the exact location, and the layout as well as she knows it. Having only visited once, the details are sketchy, but it’s better than we had before.

“I wish I could be more help.” She sighs.

“No, this is great, really,” I say, and she looks behind me to the others.

“If you need anything, please, just let me know. I will do what I can.”

“Thank you, Mom,” Creek says, and ushers her back towards her car. I hear him tell her not to worry before she climbs in and drives away. I just hope that no-one notices that she was gone for so long.

“Well, now we know where, we just need to work out how,” Kain says, his voice almost echoing in the emptiness. “And how to get you in and out safely, while the three of us are away. I still do not approve of this.”

“We have no choice. You three need to find out what you can about the hybrids, see if there is any more information around who is bringing the rogues together, if it’s the same person creating the hybrids. Plus, if there’s security, a Lycan, a Dracul, and an Angel aren’t exactly going to be inconspicuous. There will likely be extra alarms for non-Hunter beings. We’ll have Fallon, and Creek and I are not helpless. We will be fine.”

“Doesn’t mean I have to like it, mon amour, even with all of your reasoning,” Kain says softly.

“I am not some damsel, waiting in a tower, for my prince to come and rescue me. You have fought beside me in the past, you did not hide me from the bleakness of the world then, there is no reason to now.”

“It was a different time, you were different. There is so much at stake now,” Kain sighs. “But I will not stop you just because I do not like it.”

“Thank you. Now let’s head back. It’s cold out here.

The clearing where we met Maddie was less than a two hour walk from the manor, so we went on foot to avoid the possibility of anyone following a car back to the meeting place, or spotting Maddie leaving along with us.

We cut through the trees, and I can hear the rushing water of the winding river that runs along the house. Levi halts us as he disables the security ready for us to cross the property line, signaling when we can move again.

That’s when everything goes to shit.

I hear Fallon’s scream, and rush towards the house when I see them, and I halt as the others appear at my sides. Lycans and Dracul flooding the grounds, in every direction but the one we came from. Amongst them, I realize in horror, are Hunters and hybrids.

“We were betrayed,” Roman snarls, looking at the enemy opposite us. A lone figure moves forward through the mass of bodies, and that’s when I hear her voice.

“Let me go, you filthy piece of shit,” Fallon claws at the arm that holds her, and I go cold when I see his face.

Easton Bowman.

The man who lifted the sword on the day I was sentenced to die.

A rage builds inside me at the vision in front of me. He was going to kill me for betraying my faction, when he betrays it in a much graver fashion.

“Come now, little Hunter. Don’t you want to save your friend?” I step forward, the guys’ actions mirroring my own. “Ah, ah, just the Hunter. Or the Witch has her throat ripped out. We have plans for you, Remy. You just had to go and remember these guys, didn’t you? I wasn’t really going to kill you. We had a plan, but then your fucking Angel burst in and ruined everything. We’ve been watching for quite some time, at first, we couldn’t find you, but it was easy enough to track your Hunter boyfriend. Once we found the location, and we discovered the wards in place, we watched.

Then you all left tonight, and we knew that you would have to let

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