A Crown Of Smoke And Ash - Sloane Murphy Page 0,132

go ahead with the insanity, and he tried to stop it.”

“Stop what?” Kain asks, and I look him straight in the idea.

“Stop all of this. Archer’s plans. Opening a portal to the Shadow Realm. Partnering with the Demons, creating hybrids for extra numbers.

Archer has lost his mind, he wants to rule our world, he doesn’t want to hide from the humans, he thinks they should bow to us, and this is how he gets his numbers. In return, the Demons get free reign over half of the earth, the other half would be Archers to rule over. He needs me for all of it. Bauer has tried to slow him down, so he could warn us, but if Marie was right, he plans to open the portal in less than a week.”

“This is insanity.” Creek stumbles to a seat. “Bauer was in on all of this?”

“For a while,” I nod. “But after everything, I don’t know what exactly it was that changed his mind, but he couldn’t go through with it.”

“Those fucking fools. I’ll rip their spines out! They sent those rogues here to take you,” Roman pants.

“The problem is, that there’s only one way to open the portal, with the blood of the one who sealed it.” I pause, and wait for Levi to realize I know. “I get why you kept it from me. I do, I can’t even be mad about it because I’d probably have done the same if the roles were reversed. Plus, you offered me my memories, and I didn’t accept them yet. So it’s just as easily on me.”

“What the fuck are you talking about, Remy?” Roman practically growls as he paces the room.

“You weren’t alive during the War of the Fallen, mon amour, it’s not possible.” Kain looks between Levi and I, and I can’t help but sigh.

“Bauer told me everything Archer had discovered over the years, about how they’d sent countless people over to the Shadow Realm to retrieve the Angel glass, but none returned. That’s how they discovered they needed the thought to be extinct, Shadow Walkers. I don’t know how he knew, but he must have an Angel on his side too. The reason he wanted me was twofold.” I take a deep breath, and look around the room.

“I’m not a nephilim. Well I am, but I wasn’t. Not to begin with my name was once Amantara, and I was the right hand of the Archangel of War, a Shadow Walker. I’m the only one who can open the realm for longer than a minute or two.”

The room explodes as Roman and Creek lose their shit, while Kain just looks at me like I’ve lost my mind. Levi just looks at me, his eyes begging forgiveness. I let them get whatever they’re working through out of their systems.

My phone buzzes on the table in front of me, Bauer again. I frown at the phone but pick it up and answer. “Bauer? What’s wrong?”

“Oh Remy, Remy, Remy… Your stupid brother nearly ruined everything.”

“Archer.” The guys still at my voice, and I put the phone on loudspeaker.

“The one and only. Now, I have something you want, and you have something I need.” He pauses, and I hear Bauer groan in the background.

“What have you done to my brother?”

“Oh don’t worry. Bauer will be fine, we just had a little disagreement. You should be more worried about your little Witch.” I stop breathing at his words.


“Archer, I swear to god.”

“Now then, Remy. That is not the best way to start this partnership is it. Your friend, Fallon, is being held by my partner in the Shadow Realm. I’m not sure how long she’ll last, so I suggest you don’t take too long deciding what to do.”

The line disconnects and I can barely breathe.


Fucking fuck.

“How do I get to the Shadow Realm?” I look to Levi who looks torn.

“Remy, you can’t go after her,”

“The hell I can’t!”

“I don’t know if you’ll survive it, you were a Shadow Walker as an Angel, not as a Nephilim.”

“Well then, I suggest we find a way to make me a fucking Angel, because I’m going to the Shadow Realm to get Fallon. That little prick isn’t going to hurt her.”

“And what about what happens here, while we’re gone? Because you’re sure as hell not going alone.”

I pick up my phone and dial my other brother.

“Colt. We have a situation.”

To be continued

About the Author

Sloane Murphy is the author of the international bestselling series, The Immortal Chronicles, as well as a range of other paranormal and contemporary romance. Sloane lives in Peterborough, England, with her husband & fur baby and over the years, she has developed an unhealthy appreciation for cheesy YA Films, cupcakes and bad pop music. She adores fairy tales, ballet and all things supernatural, drinks far too much coffee, and watches an ungodly amount of Netflix. When she's not busy writing, she can be found exploring the world with her husband and chocolate Labrador.

If you would like to send Sloane an email, you can reach her at [email protected]

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Or come join her reader group on Facebook, Sloanes Little Monsters


I have a lot of people to thank for this one, so strap in. First, to my husband, for leaving me to my brain babies for hours and days on end. For making me coffee and bringing me chocolate when those days when the words were streaming from me hard and I forgot to look after myself. Thank you for well, everything.

Jenna, without you this book would still just be a WIP in a word file from Nov 2018. You helped me believe that these guys were ready for the world, and it turns out, they really were! So thank you for the sprinting sessions, the pep talks and everything you do!

To Sarah Goodman, my beautiful and creative assistant, for all your helps with edits, late night randomness, and really just everything you do to help me, when you really, really don’t have to! Also, for drawing up all of the amazingness I dreamt up in this book.

Amy Briggs, thank you for loving these guys as much as I do and helping me make this book be everything it could be!

My OG beta team - you guys are awesome as ever. Rose, Danni, Ani, thank you for loving my book baby as much as I did, and giving me the swift kick up the ass that I need. Like always.

To Steph, Blake & Claire. For believing in me. For letting me be your guinea pig. For all of the things!

To Mibl Art & Dez at Pretty Ink Creations for the fabulous cover and art work for the book and promotions.

To Wendy & Claire at Bare Naked Words, and all of their bloggers for helping me spread the word.

Finally, to you, my readers, for sticking with me, because god knows it’s been a bumpy ride, but without you guys, I wouldn’t be here. So thank you for reading, for (I hope) loving these guys as much as I do. Here’s to the future, and way more words to come!

Also by Sloane Murphy

The Immortal Chronicles

(YA Paranormal Romance. Complete Series)





Black Water Academy

(Upper YA/NA Paranormal Romance. Reverse Harem)



Hunted - Coming 2020

Dark Fae

(Paranormal Romance. Dark Fantasy)

Summer Princess

Winter King - Coming 2021

The Shadow Walkers Saga

(Reverse Harem Paranormal Romance)

A Crown of Blood and Bone

A Crown of Smoke and Ash

A Crown of Shadows and Secrets - Coming 2020

A Crown of Thorns and Lies - Coming 2020

A Crown of Fire and Wrath - Coming 2020

A Crown of Pride and Ruin - Coming 2020


When We Fall (New Adult Contemporary Romance)

Other Works from Hudson Indie Ink

Stephanie Hudson

Afterlife Saga

A Brooding King, A Girl running from her past. What happens when the two collide?

Book 1 - Afterlife

Book 2 - The Two Kings

Book 3 - The Triple Goddess

Book 4 - The Quarter Moon

Book 5 - The Pentagram Child /Part 1

Book 6 - The Pentagram Child /Part 2

Book 7 - The Cult of the Hexad

Book 8 - Sacrifice of the Septimus /Part 1

Book 9 - Sacrifice of the Septimus /Part 2

Book 10 -Blood of the Infinity War

Book 11 -Happy Ever Afterlife /Part 1

Book 12 -Happy Ever Afterlife / Part 2

Transfusion Saga

What happens when an ordinary human girl comes face to face with the cruel Vampire King who dismissed her seven years ago?

Transfusion - Book 1

Venom of God - Book 2

Blood of Kings - Book 3

Rise of Ashes - Book 4

Map of Sorrows - Book 5

Tree of Souls - Book 6

Kingdoms of Hell – Book 7

Eyes of Crimson - Book 8

Afterlife Chronicles: (Young Adult Series)

The Glass Dagger – Book 1

The Hells Ring – Book 2

Stephanie Hudson and Blake Hudson

The Devil in Me

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