A Crown Of Fire And Wrath (The Shadow Walkers Saga #5) - Sloane Murphy Page 0,95

of my shoulder, his mouth sucking out the vital essence of my body while Creek pushes in one last time and pulls my mouth to his for a hard, possessive kiss. In that moment, we are all linked as one.

We all come as one.

Kain's orgasm coating the walls of my ass as Creek fills me with his seed. All the while their mouths are taking my blood and my breath, respectively.

Kain releases me, first from his mouth, his tongue lapping up any blood that escapes before pulling from me completely. He disappears into the bathroom, and I hear the sound of running water as I climb off of Creek, wincing just a little as I do, with the best kind of pain.

I lie on the bed, spent, hoping the bones in my legs reform from the jelly they are currently, when Kain reappears with a washcloth and gently cleans me while Creek disappears into the bathroom.

“That was…” I say, still breathless.

“It was,” he chuckles, before throwing the washcloth into the basket and climbing into the bed behind me, pulling me against him so his chest is on my back with his arm tucked around me.

Creek reappears and shuts off the light before climbing into bed with us, facing me, his hand resting on my hip.

“Sleep. We can play more tomorrow,” he says softly, and I feel Kain’s smile in my hair.

“That we can.”

Kain and Creek kept me as a willing hostage in that room for two days, feeding me and loving me, while Roman and Levi were off doing their whole war thing, and occasionally ducking into my room to join in the fun. I’m not one to complain, but today I’m more than a little sore, even if it is in the most fun of ways.

I glide through the water, doing laps to help stretch my body out. Something about being in the water settles me. Maybe it’s because it’s nature, and my love for the outdoors, or maybe it’s just because I’m weightless, either way, I’m not going to dismiss the things that make me happy. Not anymore.

I lift my head from the water to take a breath and spot black boots at the edge of the pool. Stopping myself mid lap, I see Levi standing there, watching me with his arms crossed and a smirk on his face. “I do love it when you swim naked.”

I grin at him as I tread water, because I really fucking love swimming naked too. “Fancy a dip?”

“Oh I sure as fuck do.” He grins. “But you have visitors.” The smile drops from his face and butterflies kick up in my stomach.

“Who is it?” I ask as I swim to the edge and pull myself from the water. He hands me a towel, his eyes darken as I pat myself dry before wrapping it around myself.

“Uriel and Ashera.” His words make my blood run cold.

“Why the fuck are they here?”

“I don’t know, they wouldn’t speak to me.” He refolds his arms and I start to pace.

“Well, they’ve not spoken to me since I fucking manifested my power. Why would they want to speak to me? My so-called fucking parents don’t do anything unless it’s a power play.” I wrack my brains as to why they could be here. To say I lost the parent lottery both times I was given them is a fucking understatement. Though Uriel and Ashera make my Hunter parents look like a fucking dream. I stalk out of the suite and head to my room. I slam the door closed behind me, and dry my hair as quickly as I can, throwing my towels into the hamper. I grab the pile of laundry from my bed and find the snarkiest t-shirt I have and pull it over my head, leaving it around my neck while I rush on my bra, then finish dressing with a pair of jeans, and my boots because fuck if I’m going out there vulnerable in any fucking way.

I hide one of my throwing blades from Caleb in the back of my jeans, because it’s always better to be prepared, and head out of my room where I find Levi leaning against the wall waiting for me. He looks so at ease, but the tightness around his eyes tells me he’s almost as freaked out about my parents being here as I am.

I let out a deep breath, appearing to relax on the outside and nod at him. He stands up and takes

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