A Crown Of Fire And Wrath (The Shadow Walkers Saga #5) - Sloane Murphy Page 0,91

should listen to him,” Fallon adds as she sits on the floor. I look around but there’s no sight of Serafina.

“She went to find Levi,” Creek says, noticing me searching for her. I wince, thinking about how well he’s going to take the news of my new found weakness. I mean, I’m not exactly dancing on the ceiling about it, but these guys were already overly protective when I was near invincible.

I try not to groan out loud at the thought of it. This time, I do push myself up so that I’m sitting, because it’s too weird to be lying here with everyone watching over me like this.

“Do you need something?” Roman asks, but I shake my head.

“Have we heard anything from Kain about the witches?” I ask.

“Nothing yet, but I’ve let him know what happened,” Creek confirms, and I groan.

“But I’m fine, and now he’s probably going to come back here when he doesn’t need to,” I sigh, and as I finish speaking, a portal opens up in the living room, and out walks my Dracul king, looking furious enough to decimate worlds.

“Is he dead?” are the first words he utters.

“Serafina dropped him before we even knew she was here. Apparently, Levi left her behind to watch the house. He was a Hunter. Not one any of us recognize, so he could be new, but we have no idea who he is,” Roman tells him, his words clipped.

Kain strides towards me and Creek moves aside so that he can see me properly. He crouches in front of the couch, looking me over from head to toe before standing and leaving the room without another word. The sound of glass smashing has Creek following him and I sigh. He’s pissed. Not that I blame him, but I hate how much the smallest thing can anger them all so much.

Okay, I realize this wasn’t that small, and yeah, I could have died, but I didn’t. Fallon got here in time, and I was healing. Just much slower than usual. I have no doubt that Morgan and her guys will beat themselves up about this too if they find out, because that’s what they do. While all of this makes me feel loved and cherished, I can’t help but hate how upset they are right now. That’s before Levi even gets back.

Fallon disappears into the kitchen, while Roman just watches me, and comes back with a soda and a bar of chocolate for me. “The sugar will make you feel better, plus, ya know, chocolate.”

I smile as she plonks down next to me and puts the TV on. She flicks to a TV series about a mom and her daughter that we’ve watched a million times and snuggles up next to me. Roman pulls a blanket from the chair and puts it over us before sitting down too.

I sip on the soda and nibble on the chocolate, because I still feel a little nauseous, and just sink into the sofa enjoying the mindless reprieve. It’s not long before Kain and Creek join us, and find their own spots on the sofa. I smile at having everyone around me, even if it’s because I got shot. I got so used to be alone so often in previous lives, I never thought I’d want or need this many people. But I wouldn’t give this up for anything.

A crash sounds outside and Kain heads out followed by Roman, Creek stays on alert beside me, but I can feel the static from here. Why they think I’d need protecting from the storm bearer is beyond me.

“You need to calm the fuck down,” Kain says, Roman’s growl accompanies it.

“You two need to get the fuck out of my way. Where is she?” Levi’s voice booms, the power rolls from him and I can feel it, even in here. It takes a minute or so, but Kain and Roman must move because Levi is in front of me and lifting me out of my seat and into his arms.

“You’re okay?” he asks softly, looking down at me, but I’m not sure he’s even really asking, more just reassuring himself, but I nod regardless and cup his chin in my hand. He might still have that static rolling from him, but he’d never hurt me. I’d risk my life on that time and again.

“I’m okay. I was healing, just slowly. But Fallon got here quickly and helped me heal faster so I didn’t bleed out,” I tell him,

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