A Crown Of Fire And Wrath (The Shadow Walkers Saga #5) - Sloane Murphy Page 0,77

you want to join us for breakfast?” I ask him as Creek lets out a sigh, but remains in the same position he was in.

“Thank you, I’d love to,” Michael answers with a smile, and sits in the chair on my other side. Hopefully, Levi is asleep, because that move alone is going to be enough to piss him off. I can feel it. Nonnie clicks her tongue again but says nothing as she heads back to the stove, before bringing over three steaming cups of coffee.

I can’t help but laugh as Michael winces when he takes a sip. I guess when you spend all your time drinking angel coffee, you get a bit spoiled. “Thank you.”

Nonnie blinks at him before giving a nod and heads back to where she’s cooking. I guess even she isn’t immune to the charms of Michael. I sip at my own, trying to enjoy the moment of peace, despite the awkward silence around me, because I know when the others get here, it’s only going to get worse. They might have got on, just barely, the day after Christmas, but I have very little hope that that peace will be extended any further.

I already know Levi only held his tongue for me and because Everly was here.

I just hope we don’t kill whatever allegiance we have with Avalon, because I’m pretty positive that whatever feelings Michael may have had for me once upon a time… isn’t going to be enough if we need their help.

Nonnie brings over a plate for me, stacked with eggs, steak, and hash browns. I grin at her and she returns it. “Thank you, Nonnie!” I dig in, my hunger overriding any manners that might be expected of me. She returns with three more plates, and hands one each to the guys, and then sits at the opposite end of the table to me, as if not taking sides and staying away from the chaos. I don’t blame her.

We eat in more awkward silence, but the food is so good that I can’t find myself to care. That is until I hear footsteps padding towards us. Roman and Kain arrive together, talking quietly until Roman stills at the entryway, his eyes zeroing in on Michael at my side. A low growl escapes him and Kain sighs.

“Breakfast boys?” Nonnie asks, standing to clear her empty plate.

“Thank you, that would be amazing,” Kain says softly before dragging Roman to the table. Roman drops into the seat beside Creek, still scowling at Michael, while Kain comes over and kisses me good morning before sitting down beside Michael.

Thank God one of them can at least put aside the macho dominance bullshit. Even if it is just for breakfast. I groan a little, because I can almost foretell how this day is going to go, and I don’t want to deal with it.

It’s not long before Nonnie drops a plate of steak and eggs in front of the two of them, then Levi rounds the doorway and stops just inside the room.

“Why are you here?” Levi asks, his voice cold and clipped.

“I came to speak to Remy,” Michael answers, barely looking over to Levi. He looks relaxed, like he’s just enjoying the food in front of him. If I thought he was that guy, I’d presume he was doing it to fuck with Levi.

“Then speak,” Levi barks, crossing his arms in front of him. The room crackles with electricity, and Nonnie places another plate on the table for Levi before catching my eyes. I nod slightly, and she leaves the room. Bless her heart for making sure I was okay before she left. I don’t blame her for leaving though. The tension in here sucks all of the air from the room.

“You asked me to look into something for you,” Michael says turning to me. “Well, I finally got some answers.”

“You got answers?” I ask after the wave of panic releases me.

“I did, I found out a few days ago, but I wanted to make sure the information I had was one hundred percent so that I wasn’t giving you… I don’t know… false hope I guess. I don’t even know if what I found out is good news or not.”

My heart rate picks up at his words, and I try to take a few deep breaths.

I jump when the front door slams open and one of Roman’s Lycans crashes into the room. Everyone jumps to their feet, ready to go to battle.

“Emmett, what’s going

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