A Crown Of Fire And Wrath (The Shadow Walkers Saga #5) - Sloane Murphy Page 0,74

jumps down out of my hold and rushes back to the guys, and I sit back and watch as the afternoon unfolds, while Astrid wraps those four big strapping immortals around her little finger.

It isn’t long before Nonnie announces it’s time to wash up, and the guys lead Astrid and Olivia to a bathroom, while I help her set the table.

“You have a beautiful family, Remy,” Nonnie says softly.

“Thank you, we’re glad you’re a part of it.”

A knock on the back glass door sounds, startling me, and I look questioningly at Nonnie.

“Are we expecting anyone?” she asks, and I shake my head. The blinds are down, because we wanted the twinkle lights on, so I can’t even see anything.

I open the door and gasp, tears springing to my eyes.

“Merry Christmas, sweetheart.” Everly’s voice wraps around me seconds before she pulls me into a hug.

“What? How is this possible?” I ask, holding her tightly.

“Keeping guests out in the cold, little bird. I thought you had better manners,” Michael jokes.

“Don’t you start, you leave her alone,” Everly scolds him, and I can’t help but laugh.

“Merry Christmas, Remy,” Michael says softly. “I couldn’t think of a better gift, though she sure does speak her mind.”

“That’s what makes her the best,” I sigh. “Oh my fates! Astrid and Olivia. Come in!” I usher them in and close the door, while Everly eyes Nonnie in the kitchen.

“You, you are the one from the photos. The one who looked after my Remy girl, yes?” Nonnie asks, and Everly nods.

“Thank you. Thank you for keeping her safe and loving her,” Nonnie says with a warm smile before turning back to me. “You see, it’s a good thing I cook too much.”

“Everly?” Levi looks stunned as he reenters the room. She rushes to him and hugs him tight.

“It is so good to see you!” she says before hugging him again.

“I guess this gift just keeps giving, huh?” Michael says quietly beside me.

“Oh you have no idea. Really, thank you,” I tell him.

“Anything for you.”

Tears fill my eyes as Olivia and Astrid enter the room and see her. A lump chokes me and Michael slips an arm around my shoulders as the emotions become overwhelming. Levi glares at him momentarily before seeing my tears and then softens.

The others join us again, the reunion taking every second until dinner is served. We eat too much, laugh, cry, and joke as we catch Everly up on everything, all while I try to ignore the looks my guys shoot at Michael. I know they won’t ruin this day. Not this day. Not with Everly here. Bickering can wait. I want this day to stay as perfect as it’s been so far.

I’ve never been more glad for my yoga pants than when Nonnie presents me with a giant cheesecake all to myself for dessert, and Everly laughs when I say about not being able to eat it all.

After the food is all done, and I feel like I’m going to have to be rolled from the table, Olivia takes Astrid to my room so she can have a nap, and I’ve never been more jealous of a five-year-old. The thought of a nap is so freaking appealing, but also, I don’t know how long Everly gets to stay, so I don’t want to miss a thing.

“Fancy a walk, Mom?” Olivia says when she returns, and Everly stands.

“I’d love to.”

Olivia grabs her coat and they head out the back doors while I watch them wistfully.

“How long does she get to stay?” I ask Michael quietly, and all other conversation seems to halt.

“Just for the day. She is not an angel, just a soul in Avalon. I granted her the pass for the day, but I can’t do more than that. You know the rules.”

“Fuck the rules,” Levi growls.

“The rules are there for a reason, and you know it Leviathan.”

“Doesn’t mean I agree with them,” Levi counters, and crosses his arms.

“Please don’t argue. Not today. At least not here. Let us have this one perfect day. That way, I got two, right next to each other, that I’ll never forget,” I sigh.

“Sorry,” Levi apologizes, and Michael joins him.

“Thank you.”

“Should we clear up and then move to the sitting room?” Kain suggests, standing and gathering plates. Michael grins and clicks his fingers. In a blink, the table is cleared, the mess is gone and I sit looking at him in wonder.

“I really need to learn that trick.”

“Stick with me, kid,” he winks, and Roman growls but

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