A Crown Of Fire And Wrath (The Shadow Walkers Saga #5) - Sloane Murphy Page 0,72

beside me.

“Something about Amelia. We still don’t know enough about her, and I’ve been wracking my brains about issues between us, but even though I have all of my memories, I’m not all knowing. There’s stuff I’ve naturally forgotten. So, I was hoping there might be something in here to help jog my memory.”

“Any luck yet?”

“Nothing. I haven’t even found her name mentioned. It’s as if she didn’t exist to me, but I know we had interaction. It’s so fucking strange.” I groan and drop my head onto the table.

“You think someone could have messed with your journals?” he asks, examining one of them.

“I doubt it. These were hidden in Avalon. Levi had my place pretty locked up, but nothing is impossible. Still, I don’t see why anyone would do that. Amantara… I mean, I was dead. No one could’ve known I’d get my memories of that life back.”

“It’s still weird that you talk about that life as if it’s a different person,” he chuckles. “But, if whoever it is has a seer like people have speculated, it’s entirely possible they’d know.”

“Amantara feels like a different person. It’s hard to explain.” I shake my head. “But yeah, I guess you’re right about the seer thing. Just seems like a lot of trouble to go to.”

“You don’t think Amelia is the one behind everything, do you?” He looks at me closely and I shake my head, confirming his suspicion.

“I don’t. It seems too neat. Too tidy. Too… easy. Plus, as hard as I think back, I can’t think of one thing that I could’ve done to inspire such hate from her. She wasn’t quiet, but she wasn’t exactly in your face either. I get why people would suspect her, but my gut tells me we’re looking in the wrong direction.”

“Any ideas who it might be in that gut of yours?” He smirks as he speaks and I roll my eyes. He puts his hands up in surrender and chuckles. “Hey, your gut has saved our lives more than once, I trust you, and you trust it.”

“Hmmmm.” I narrow my eyes as I look at him, but he’s only teasing me a little. “I honestly don’t have a clue. I can’t think of anything I’ve ever done that would cause someone to do something of this scale.”

“Maybe it really isn’t about you,” Creek offers. “It could just be that you stand in the way of something. I mean, with Archer, his shit was definitely about you. It was about a power play. Maybe that’s what this is on a greater scale. God knows he was getting instructions from somewhere.”

“Maybe…” I muse.

“You realize that Olivia and Astrid are meant to arrive in the next thirty minutes, right?”

“What?” I screech. Time has not bent me over like that. I glance at the clock and curse again.

“Fuck, shit.” I scramble to my feet, trying to close the journals as quickly as I can.

“You go get ready, I’ll put these away and put the locked chest back for you,” he offers. I clasp his cheeks in my hands and kiss him.

“You are the best. I love you. Thank you!” I rush from the library to my room to get myself ready. Thirty fucking minutes. Shit.

At least my distraction worked I guess.

I take the quickest shower known to man, and dress quickly, but try to look as presentable as I can. Why the fuck do I feel so nervous? I take off the blouse I put on, because I feel awkward and sweaty in it, and go with one of my last t-shirts from Everly which says I’m only sarcastic when I speak.

I wipe my sweaty palms on my pants before opening the door and paint a wide smile, that I hope doesn’t look as nervous as I feel, on my face. “Hey you guys! Merry Christmas!”

“Merry Christmas!” they shout back at me. Astrid darts in and hugs me tightly.

“She’s feeling extra huggy today,” Olivia says with an apologetic smile, but I wave her off.

“Hey, that’s what Christmas is all about, right?”

“Right.” She smiles and I wave her in as Astrid stays attached to my side.

“I’m glad to see you’re both all healed up and doing well. I’m sorry I haven’t seen you much since you were in the hospital,” I apologize, and lead them towards the kitchen as they strip out of their coats. Astrid runs over to the Christmas tree I set up and coos over it while I pop their coats away.

When I get

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