A Crown Of Fire And Wrath (The Shadow Walkers Saga #5) - Sloane Murphy Page 0,70

on this planet I’m letting you in my kitchen, Remy girl. I want Christmas dinner on the table, not in the bin.” She winks at me and I can’t help but laugh.

“Fine, fine. My culinary skills are not the best. Can I at least make some hot chocolate for everyone?”

“You go on, I’ll make it and bring it through.”

“You, Nonnie, are a freaking treasure. And if anyone tries to say any different, I’ll take their heads.” I walk over to her and kiss her cheek softly. She waves me off, blushing a little, but I can see her smile as I leave and it warms my heart. She will never replace Everly, but her presence here makes this place feel more like home.

I wake up in a puppy pile, excited as a kid for Christmas and practically bound out of bed. I’m very aware that Santa didn’t drop the extra presents sat under the tree this morning, but that doesn’t stop my eyes widening when I take in the sheer amount of gifts under the tree. I think my guys might have gone a tad overboard. It’s like freaking winter wonderland in here.

I squeal as I bounce towards the kitchen, and find Nonnie already cooking.

“Nonnie! Merry Christmas!” I exclaim as I wrap her up in a hug.

“Joyeux Noël, Remy girl,” she says as she squeezes me back. “You want breakfast before or after gifts?”

“Breakfast? You think I’ve got space for breakfast with this amazingness you’ve been preparing for the last day? Not a chance! I’m not taking up the space with breakfast! Pfft.” I grin at her as I pour myself a mug of coffee, because even with my extra giddiness, coffee is still necessary. It’s always necessary. As shown by my Christmas pj’s from Colt, obviously.

I finish my coffee, watching Nonnie fuss around the kitchen, humming Christmas songs as she goes, trying to be patient for everyone to wake up. A knock on the door makes me jump and I rush to the door, because it’s freezing outside and who the hell is here this early today?

Opening the door, I come face to face with Fallon, Marie, and Rebel. “Merry Christmas!”

I grin as she shouts their greetings and usher them inside so I can shut the door against the chill. Behind Marie floats a bag of gifts and I chuckle to myself as she floats them into the lounge without even looking. “I didn’t know you guys would be here this early!”

“Well, we weren’t going to, but then we figured what is Christmas about if it’s not about family. You’re family, so here we are!” Fallon tells me as she hugs me.

“What she said,” Marie says with a smile. “And I have a feeling more people are on the way. I hope you have enough space under the tree.”

“Holy shit,” Fallon exclaims from the sitting room. “Mama, there is definitely not enough space under the tree.”

We join her and Rebel who are just gawking at the tree. “Yeah, the guys went a little overboard, I think.”

“We certainly did not,” Kain says sleepily as he appears in his reindeer onesie. I grin so hard as Fallon and her family try not to laugh. I can’t wait for them to see the others.

“You got them to wear them?” Fallon snickers.

“Of course.”

“There’s coffee in the kitchen, but beware, it’s mania in there,” I tell them all, and take my spot in the corner on the sofa, as I wait, oh so very impatiently for the others to wake. Though after the Laveaus’ loud arrival, I daresay it won’t be long till everyone stumbles out here. Fallon reappears and brings with her two mugs of steaming goodness and hands me one. She sits beside me, snuggling against my shoulder and we just sit in silence, enjoying the sounds of laughter around the house.

Colt is the next to appear, he stayed in my room last night, and as promised, he’s in his elf onesie, looking proud as hell as he struts into the room. “Merry Christmas, little bit.”

He ruffles my hair before turning to Fallon. “Merry Christmas, Fal.”

She looks over at me and takes another sip of her coffee, before smiling softly at him. Trying not to watch them too closely, I peer down at my coffee until he heads towards the kitchen, where by the sounds of it, the other three guys are now too. I sit and wait for them, because there’s no way I’m giving up my primo spot, but it’s

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