A Crown Of Fire And Wrath (The Shadow Walkers Saga #5) - Sloane Murphy Page 0,69

like shopping when it’s not for me. We all curl up on the sofa, and I put on the best Christmas movie ever.

Die Hard. Because it’s not Christmas until Hans Gruber falls from Nakatomi Tower.

Despite the moans from Levi, he lets me snuggle into his side, and with my feet in Creek’s lap we relax properly for the first time in forever, only occasionally laughing at Nonnie’s cursing in the kitchen.

The doorbell rings halfway through the film, and Kain excuses himself to answer it, despite my offer, which admittedly was only halfhearted because I am most definitely snug right now. The extra voice makes me sit up properly and Creek pauses the film as Kain returns with my brother in tow.

“Hey guys,” he says with a wave to the room.

“Hey,” I say as I get up and give him a hug. He’s been awesome this last week, he’s just treated me the same as ever, not bringing up what I told him about why I left last week. He’s just been my big brother. “You’re early.”

“Yeah, sorry. They’re forecasting snow though, so I thought it was probably best to head over a bit earlier than planned. I did text.”

“I left my phone in my closet,” I laugh, and he joins me.

“Of course you did.” He drops the sack in his hand to the floor and pulls out a gift, handing it to me.

“You remembered!” I gasp, and rush to the tree to get the similar box for him I had waiting.

“What did we miss?” Kain asks, confused while Creek shakes his head chuckling.

“I forgot you guys do this.”

“Christmas Eve presents!” I exclaim, and hand Colt his gift. I rummage under the tree and get the guys their matching boxes and hand them out. This is one tradition I never want to lose. I open my gift from Colt and bark out a laugh when I see the contents.

“These are perfect!” I say pulling out the purple pajamas with dancing takeout coffee cups on them. I pull them out and find a packet of hot chocolate, some marshmallows, and a pack of Cheetos in there along with a book. Same as every year. It really is perfect.

I watch in glee as the guys open theirs and find their matching reindeer onesies that absolutely slayed me when I found them and knew I had to buy them. Colt has a Christmas elf one, because I knew he’d be here and it was too perfect not to. The only difference with their boxes are they each got a naughty coupon book I found in the lingerie store too. I wasn’t going to get them, but Fallon threw them in my cart and it didn’t bug me enough to take them out. C’est la vie and all that.

“We have to wear these?” Roman asks, just kind of blinking at me, even though the others all look almost as amused as I do.

“That’s the tradition,” Creek confirms for him, his eyes practically sparkling with laughter.

“I love it, thank you,” Kain says, coming to kiss my cheek, still chuckling as he does. “I’ll go and change now.” Just the thought of my well put together, always in a suit guy in the reindeer onesie about does me in, I’m so childishly excited about the Christmas photo I’m going to make them take with me.

Colt heads out of the room with Creek to go and change, and I just change where I am once he’s out of sight.

“You really want us to wear these?” Roman asks, and I smile.

“I really, really do,” I grin.

He sighs, but Levi leads him from the room with a smile.

I head into the kitchen, and find Nonnie singing away as she preps more food than I think I’ve ever seen.

“Woah, Nonnie. You feeding the four thousand?” I joke, and she scoffs.

“Silly girl. You think this will be enough? I think not. This is nothing.”

“How about you come and relax with us for the rest of the night?”

“No, I enjoy doing all of this. It might seem silly, but seeing the joy in your eyes, in everyone’s eyes, at the sight of all the food brings me the greatest happiness, my beautiful girl. I have as much fun doing this as you do torturing those boys.” Her eyes light up. I guess she caught part of the unboxing.

“Okay, well if you want to come and rest with us, you are more than welcome. I’m looking forward to helping you tomorrow.”

“There is no way

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