A Crown Of Fire And Wrath (The Shadow Walkers Saga #5) - Sloane Murphy Page 0,66

offers, and Creek nods agreeing, while Roman remains a statue. I know he won’t push if I tell him I really need the space, but I also know that he’s pissed that I ran. I get it, I’d be pissed if I was him. Taking a deep breath, I clutch my mug in front of me, almost as an extra shield between me and them, and start to tell them everything I told Levi last night.

It hurts to say it all again, but I know this will be the last time I have to speak of it. Fallon and Colt won’t push. They know me well enough. I cry again as I relive it, speaking the words aloud. Creek and Kain take one of my hands each in theirs and just hold me as I tell them how I remembered, and why I ran.

When I finish speaking, the room is silent. Roman stands up and walks away without a word, and my heart breaks all over again. I knew someone wouldn’t understand. That someone would blame me. I try to speak past the lump in my throat but it chokes me and steals all of my words.

“He will calm. He’s likely just upset on your behalf, mon amour. Give him time and he will come to you.” Kain tries to soothe me, but all I can see is Levi practically shaking with anger.

“Levi…” I start, but he shakes his head and storms from the table following Roman.

“Well, that’s going to end well.” Creek sighs before looking back to me. “Remy, they are not your problem. How they or we feel about things is no reflection on what happened to you. That being said, I’m more just sad that you couldn’t talk to us about what happened without leaving, but I also totally understand it. It took me a good while before I was able to face my parents after we came home from the Shadow Realm. It’s wildly different, but fundamentally a similar thing. What happened to you was not your fault. You were not reckless, you were not careless, and you didn’t kill your child. What happened was the fault of whoever threw that spear. Even then, if it had hit you anywhere else, it would likely have been a different outcome, but if it had been, well, maybe you wouldn’t be here today, living with us as you are. Everything happens for a reason.”

“I second that,” Kain agrees. “I wish you had come to me, to us, but I understand the trauma and the toll it must have taken on you. There are few losses like the loss of a child. Add that onto everything else you had going on inside your mind, and all of the things we’re still fighting for. It is understandable that you wanted to escape, but you can tell me anything, precious. Anything. I will never judge you for any of it.”

“Thank you,” I croak, trying to stop myself from crying again. Morgan was right, of course they’d understand, but the guilt still coats my stomach and makes me want to throw up. Though I don’t expect that to leave anytime soon, I know that with my guys at my side, I can deal with pretty much anything.

“I should go find Roman,” I say as I stand.

“I’d maybe give him and Levi time to work out their differences first,” Kain says with a small chuckle.

“No, they shouldn’t be fighting over this,” I sigh.

“Remy, sometimes guys just need to fight to get it out of their system. It’s good for us to take a hit every now and then, keeps us in line and on our toes,” Creek jokes. “But in all seriousness, they obviously have their own shit to deal with, you don’t need to carry that too. Roman will come to you when he’s calmed down. He’s probably more pissed off at what happened to you than at you, he just doesn’t know where to point that anger.”

I sit back down and rest my chin on my hands with a sigh. Creek’s theory is definitely plausible, Roman and his wolf hate it when anything happens to me, and he probably deals with me crying the worst out of all of them.

I take a breath take a bite of the food Nonnie made for me. It’s cold, but I know I need to eat, so I swallow down the omelet and wait, hoping that the guys are right, and that Roman isn’t about

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