A Crown Of Fire And Wrath (The Shadow Walkers Saga #5) - Sloane Murphy Page 0,62

you can do that, you can do anything,” she says, leaning forward and taking my hand. “Including going home and facing your guys.”

“Are you kicking me out?” I ask, laughing softly.

“I would never. But I do think that you’ve gotten everything you came here for. Now, you’re just hiding. And as much as Caleb is going to pout when you leave, I think you need to. Facing your demons is the only way to exorcise them.” She smiles sadly at me but I nod. I know she’s right. Just like in my life as Amantara, the Shadow Realm is my safe place. My home away from home. With the family who are the family I chose. That chose me. The best kind.

I just have to remember I have that on Earth now too. No matter how scared I am to face them.

“You’re right. I know you are. It doesn’t make it any easier though.”

“I know. And if you need to come back, we will always be here for you. Hell, Caleb might follow you back at some point to make sure you’re doing okay. The only time I’ve seen him as freaked out as he was that night, was when Mireya was born. If it didn’t hurt so much, I’d have spent the entire time laughing at him.”

“You know you guys can come to see me whenever, right?”

“We know. And I’m sure we will, it’s harder for us all to go with Mireya, but I’m sure you’ll see one of all of us at random points. Just remember, you are loved. And what happened, none of it is your fault. We all carry guilt with us for something, but this, all of this, is not your fault. Levi will see that and understand. And if he doesn’t, considering the power inside of you now, and the things you’ve worked out with the guys the last few days, you could probably kick his ass anyway.” She laughs and I can’t help but join her. I’m still terrified, but she’s right, I have to go and face them. Face him. Tell him the truth.

“Probably. I know I need to go back. I will. Probably tonight, because I can only steal your clothes for so long before I miss my snarky t-shirts. Plus, I miss them.”

“Exactly. You can do this. It’s the middle of the day back there, so it’s the perfect time. You’ve barely been gone as far as they’re concerned. Also, Caleb wanted you to have the knives he got for you so long ago. I’ll get them for you before we send you home.”

I sigh, I know she’s right.

“Okay, let’s get this show on the road and send me home. To whatever fate may hold for me.”

I step out of the portal to the Manor, and arrive to complete fucking chaos. I guess the witch coven showed themselves. I duck as a fireball flies towards my head. My gaze sweeps the scene in front of me. My guys are scattered across the madness, Colt is here, so are Fallon and Marie. But that’s about it for people on our side.

My rage blankets me. How fucking dare they attack my home! I pull my shadow fire to my hands, those few days training with the Horsemen, along with getting all of my memories back really did do me some good.

I unfurl my wings and shoot to the sky, since no one seems to have noticed my arrival yet. I use the shadows inside of me to create protective bubbles around my family, which draws people’s attention to me, but I just smile and then unleash fucking hell down upon the people trying to hurt the ones I love.

The shadow fire releases from me, and the screams it causes make my blood sing. I unsheathe the blades from my thighs, silently thanking Caleb for regifting them to me, and cut through the witches still trying to attack me. As I swoop down and draw blood, portals start popping open, but I call to that darkness inside of me, and block those portals.

No one will escape my wrath this time.

The screams get louder as I hold my family captive and wipe away the filth that dares to threaten what is mine. I have had enough of being targeted. I release one portal, to allow a message to get back to Lizzie and whoever she’s working with. I will not be fucked with, and it’s going to take one hell of a force to

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