A Crown Of Fire And Wrath (The Shadow Walkers Saga #5) - Sloane Murphy Page 0,52

and food arrives, the girl just smiles at us as she drops it and practically skips away. Oh to be so oblivious and carefree.

We sit and talk about nothing but light and happy things before we head back to finish gift shopping. It doesn’t take us long, before we head back to the manor. Fun as this day has been, the drive home feels a little tense. We’ve avoided speaking about anything that’s been happening to either of us recently, and now we’re heading back, I know I need to speak to her about it all.

It’s not an uncomfortable silence, but when we pull up at the manor, I’m not sure who jumps from the car first.

“Oh my girls are back, let me feed you. Too skinny you girls!” Nonnie fusses over us as we haul all of our bags into the house.

“Let us get this stuff to my room, Nonnie, and then you can feed us all you like.” I’m not telling her we ate, it makes her too happy to feed us, and well, I’m never one to turn down good food. Thank the fates for angel metabolism.

We drop the bags off in my room, stuffing them in a back corner of my closet, ready for me to get my wrap on, and then head back to the kitchen.

“Where are the guys?” I ask Nonnie, dropping a kiss on her cheek as we take a seat at the island.

“They were fighting in the gymnasium, silly boys. They’re fine, but look at you, you need to eat more.” She fusses again and starts spooning what looks an awful lot like chicken Alfredo into two bowls, before placing them in front of us, and pulls garlic bread from the oven. “Eat, eat. Do you like?”

I take a bite and groan around my fork as my tastebuds burst to life. Fallon moans beside me too, her eyes closed as she tastes the dish. “Nonnie, I think you’ve outdone yourself.”

She beams at my words and I smile. “I’m glad, yes, very much. I hid you a treat in the little fridge in the pantry for later.” She winks at me, and leaves Fallon and I alone, heading towards the side of the manor where her room is. I have no idea what she does here, but she seems set on not returning to the castle in France. I wonder how many people there are cursing me for stealing her away.

“So…” Fallon starts before taking another mouthful.

“So… I nearly died, again,” I say with a sigh. I tell her everything I remember about what happened with Bauer, and then waking up in Avalon. Everything that’s happened until now, the memories that have come back to me. Not leaving out any details, except for what her mom told me. While I’m sure it’s not her, Marie would have told her if she wanted her to know.

“I mean… holy shit, Remy. If this was anyone else, I’d call them a straight up liar, but all of this could only happen to you.” She sits blinking at me, wide eyed. “I don’t even know where to start. Michael, your mom, the Archangel council—Gabe sounds like fun, just a side note—but fucking hell. I have no idea how you even find the strength to get out of bed, I’d have quit on this shit long before now.”

“Enough about me, what’s been going on with you?” I ask, because it’s been a while since we talked about everything going on with her.

“I’m okay. I’ve finally managed to get my power under control, well, ish. Bryce spoke to me a bit after the whole Michael thing, once Levi said you were safe. He gave me some tips for controlling the power inside of me, and they’ve been working. As for everything else in my life, well, that’s a whole other story. But not one I have even close to figured out yet.”

“So that’s your way of telling me not to ask how things are between you and my brother?” I ask, laughing softly.

“Pretty much.” She shrugs with a small smile. Shadows appear in her eyes, and I wish I could take them from her. The guilt of everything she suffered because of me is real, but I know that really, that was on Archer and whoever it is that was pulling his strings.

“You know I’m here if you need to talk right? I’m never too busy for you,” I tell her softly. I hate how little time we get

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