A Crown Of Fire And Wrath (The Shadow Walkers Saga #5) - Sloane Murphy Page 0,46

longer around.

I pick at the breakfast she bought me, trying to keep my demons buried under lock and key, but the longer I’m here, the more I feel, the louder those demons become.

“Hey Princess.” I jump as Roman’s voice reaches me. I guess I really was off in a world of my own. “What’s wrong?”

He sits beside me, and tucks my hair behind my ear. I lean into his touch, he’s always able to make me forget everything outside of him, and I could really use that right now.

“Just getting a little lost inside myself,” I tell him with a sad smile.

“Well then, it’s your lucky day. I have just the idea for forgetting the world.” He smiles at me, and it’s as if his wolf is smiling at me. Beautiful but deadly.

“What did you have in mind?” I ask.

“That, Princess, would be telling,” he says, bopping me on the nose with a finger like I’m a naughty pup, making me laugh. “Now come on, eat up, get dressed and let’s get going. I’m excited now. Don’t want to keep me waiting.” He winks at me and I laugh again.

I do as he says, and hurry to get ready. Even just the anticipation of the day with him makes the darkness inside of me seem a little bit further away. It doesn’t take me long, and before I know it, we’re in my car and he’s driving. Not quite sure how I let that happen, I rarely hand over the wheel of Betty, but I suppose I’ll concede this once since I have no idea where we’re going.

He looks so relaxed that I can’t even find it in myself to harass him to find out where he’s taking me. I sit back and enjoy the ride along the coast.

We drive for a while, before he pulls into a car lot, and my eyes go wide.

No way.

“This is your surprise?” I ask, trying not to sound as excited as I feel. I’ve always wanted to come here, it’s like something out of the movies.

“You like?” he asks, that wolfish grin back on his face.

“This is perfect!” I squeal, hugging him while he laughs at me.

“If I’d known it would’ve made you this happy, I’d have done this months ago.” He climbs from the car as I scramble to undo my seatbelt and follow.

Santa Monica freaking pier!

I’ve literally wanted to come here forever. Every movie I watched as a teenager had a scene that was set here. The Ferris wheel, the rollercoaster, the sounds, the sights, even the smells. It’s perfection.

Roman takes my hand and I practically drag him onto the pier, lost in our own little corner of heaven.

Chapter Eleven

I take a deep breath as I clench the steering wheel and look up at my family’s house. I know Colt is in there, and I know I need to see him, but I don’t know that I’m ready for this. Acknowledging everything I have to once I step through that door.

I take another breath, fortifying myself against the tumultuous emotions inside of me that I still have to look at properly, and climb out of the car. I think of the day I had with Roman yesterday, our day of forgetting. It’s one of the best days I remember ever having. It was like being a kid again, indulging in everything we wanted without consequence. It brings a smile to my lips before I knock on the door.

“Shit.” Colt’s shout reaches me alongside a crash, so I open the door and walk in towards the stairs. The crash came from upstairs, so I take the stairs a few at a time, and follow the cursing to Bauer’s room.

“Are you okay?” I ask as I enter the room, making Colt jump and he hits his head on the shelf he was bent underneath.

“Fuck,” he groans, rubbing the top of his head as I try not to smile. “You’re home!”

His shock at seeing me doesn’t take long to pass and he kicks boxes out of the way as he rushes towards me. I meet him in the middle of the room and hug him as tight as he holds me. “I didn’t know if you’d be back…”

“As if you’re getting rid of me that easy,” I tell him lightly, and he squeezes me tighter.

“I nearly lost you, little bit.” His voice is thick and he holds on for another minute before releasing me.

“I’m too hard to kill,” I tell him with a wink,

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