A Crown Of Fire And Wrath (The Shadow Walkers Saga #5) - Sloane Murphy Page 0,18

very clear. I have no idea what this might mean for Levi. If he’ll even accept his position back.

The noise grows to a roaring level when Levi unleashes a crack of thunder and the rooms instantly goes silent.

“I do not want to reclaim my place as a Death Dealer.” I tell them all clearly. “I have a life on Earth that I do not wish to give up. Considering most of you don’t want me here, I don’t see why this would be a problem to grant. All I want is to live in peace.”

“Want to live on Earth, but want to be able to call on us when you get in trouble you mean. Shadow Walkers always end up in trouble.” Lucinda, a blonde angel on the council, who is as cold as her icy hair color suggests sneers at me. “With the Archangel of War on your side, what’s to stop you dragging us into your problems. It’s no secret where his loyalties lie.”

I roll my eyes, she’s always been a cold-hearted bitch, and I’ve never really given a fuck about her opinions.

“I ask nothing of Leviathan that he isn’t willing to do,” I tell her, while Levi practically shakes with anger beside me. She looks to him, and her eyes go wide as she takes him in. I’m not sure she’s seen him lose his shit before, but he’s really close right now. I put a hand on his arm practically willing him to calm. Him going nuclear isn’t going to help anyone right now.

“I don’t remember asking, or making this as an optional thing,” Michael says as he stands, crossing his arms. “Any issues with my decision can be brought directly to me. Are there any other issues of business today?”

He looks at each person at the table individually, they each shake their head, and a small weight lifts. While some of them might not be happy about what he’s said, I don’t think any of them would go against a direct order from him. No matter how much they hate it. There are worse things than death, and the punishment for disobeying him is one of those things.

Michael finishes his round of the table before nodding and glancing over to where we’re standing. “Then we’re done here.”

“Did she really need to be there for that?” Levi grunts as he speaks to Michael once everyone else has left.

“She did, they needed to see her. That she’s not a threat. Hiding wouldn’t have helped anyone. Now everyone is aware that neither of you are to be fucked with, and there’s no ambiguity in the message that went out.” Michael smiles at me which just seems to piss Levi off more. “If you’ll excuse me, I need to get a few things sorted. Come and see me later, little bird? I have something for you.”

“Of course, thank you.” He hugs me and I return it, savoring the feel of him, because I get the feeling that once I leave here this time, it might just be the last time I see my old friend and mentor.

“There’s someone else here who would like to see you too,” Michael says, his gaze bouncing between us. “Your mother requested some time with you.”

My heart just about stops in my chest. There’s so much unresolved with my mom, but with everything else going on, my need to settle everything seems almost insignificant. I nod, regardless, because I’m not just going to leave her hanging.

“Thank you. I’ll seek her out.” At my words he nods and leaves the room, leaving Levi and I alone in the council chambers. The high vaulted ceilings in here have always left me breathless, it truly is a place of wonder.

“Well, that was all very—”

“Don’t,” I interrupt, I’m not ready or interested in listening to how much they dislike each other.

“You’re right. I’m sorry.” He looks down at me and rubs the back of his neck. “I’ll try to keep a lid on it. He just rubs me the wrong way. That’s no secret, but you’re right.”

“Thank you.” I stretch up on my tiptoes and kiss his cheek, but he captures me by the waist and kisses me until I’m breathless. My eyes flutter open when he finally pulls back and he smirks down at me.

“I have something I want to show you,” he murmurs as he holds me close. “Then we can go see your mom, but then, I’m getting you home. Luckily time moves a lot

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