A Crown Of Fire And Wrath (The Shadow Walkers Saga #5) - Sloane Murphy Page 0,15

long before I came along, to at least try to not tear Avalon to the ground.

I move back into the kitchen and pour myself more coffee. The dull ache of healing from the angel glass along with the aches from unlocking my memories merge, but the coffee helps. It always does. I try not to let my anxiety about what the hell they’re doing wash over me, but sitting here, doing nothing, doesn’t make it that easy. There isn’t even a TV or a stray book around here for me to distract myself. Michael gives minimalism a whole new meaning.

I sit, and I snack on the pastries, eating my anxiety, while I wait for them to sort their shit out.

Hours pass before the sky brightens again. To say I’m a caffeinated wreck is probably an understatement, but I’m also so very excited to see Levi. I nearly died. Again. But this time, something happened. It hit me that this could’ve been it for me, there isn’t another loophole for us to find. If I die, that’s it. And I’m leaving so much behind if I die.

I feel almost human again in my new found appreciation for death and the finality of it all. To think it’s been just less than a year since I was human is a little staggering.

A crash sounds and I look back to the balcony. The yin and yang that are Michael and Levi. The light to the darkness. It’s a sight to behold. Them both there, wings out, the tension and anger between them crackling like a live wire.

“Remy…” Levi’s voice cracks as he takes a step towards me. I fly across the room and fling myself into his waiting arms. He holds me so tight that I think I might break down, but I just enjoy the feel of him. I nearly lost him, and that’s not something I’m willing to do. Ever again. Bauer might be one of the biggest betrayals of my life times, and there’s been a good amount of them, but he gave me this at least. A greater appreciation for everything I have, everything I could, and never want to lose.

I let him hold me, until he’s ready to let go. I want to be mindful of Michael’s feelings, but he kind of kidnapped me, so I’m giving Levi this time. Just like I’ll give the others when I get back.

“Thank god you’re okay,” he says as he pulls back from me. He keeps a hold on my arms as he looks me over. He searches my eyes for something, and his face falls a little. “You unlocked it all, didn’t you?”

“Of course, she did. Leaving her blind was dangerous,” Michael answers for me with a snort.

“You did this,” Levi growls, and moves me behind him. I sigh, because I do not need protecting, especially not from Michael, but this pissing contest is older than I am. And I don’t even really want to look at how old that is too closely.

“You guys…” I start with a sigh. “Can we just not?”

They both turn to look at me, Michael at least has the recompense to look a little guilty. Levi however, just looks pissed still.

“Whatever this is…” I wave my hands between them, trying like fuck not to roll my eyes. “Can we just leave it? We have way more important things to think about than whatever you two can’t put behind you.” I turn to Michael, and Levi growls lowly under his breath. “When are we due before the council? You were gone for a while, so I assume it’s soon.”

“You’re taking her before the council? Are you fucking insane? They’ve been trying to put her down for a fucking millennia!” Levi roars, and gets in Michael's face. Michael pushes him away, but he barely moves an inch. I move and get between them, destroying the sky loft isn’t on my to do list today.

“Okay, so this, whatever this is, isn’t going to help anyone,” I say, putting my hands on Levi’s chest. “You’re here now, so you can come with me, I’m pretty sure no one is going to put me down, especially since I do remember why most of them dislike me now. But if they try, you and I can leave and never come back.” I take a deep breath, waiting for the static coming from him that tickles against my skin to withdraw. He stares down into my eyes, warring with himself. His love

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