A Crowe's Song - Leddy Harper Page 0,8

etch the sight into my memory, the image itself so serene it sent a calming wave straight through me.

There was something about her.

An inexplicable pull.

And I needed to know what it was.

I squeezed her foot, ignoring the way her breathing stopped when my thumb grazed the sensitive skin over the arch. “I’m glad you’re a rebel and ignored the no trespassing sign. It’s been a long time since I’ve had anyone to watch the show with. So thank you for staying and keeping me company, Kenny.”

She glowered, a smile hiding in the corners of her lips. “My name is McKenna,” she reminded me.

But I didn’t need reminding. “I know.”

“Then why’d you call me Kenny?”

Honestly, I didn’t know. It wasn’t like I even knew a Kenny and had accidentally called her by the wrong name. There was absolutely no rhyme or reason to it, but now that it’d been said, my only choice was to carry on with it.

“Does everyone call you McKenna?” I questioned, and when she nodded, I added, “Well, I’m not everyone.”

“And to be different, you have to call me by a guy’s name?”

I smiled at the feigned offense that painted her expression and engraved creases into her brow as she glared at me. I might’ve believed that I had truly insulted her had it not been for the amusement lining her lips like balm. “No, I don’t need to do anything to be different. I just personally think that Kenny is a better fit for you.”

It didn’t make any sense, and I knew that, but for reasons I couldn’t even begin to explain, I had a soul-deep need to call her Kenny. It felt natural on my tongue and, based on the way she nonchalantly shrugged and grinned at me, I could only assume she didn’t mind it as much as she wanted me to believe.

“Let’s try this again…” I flexed my fingers, gripping her ankle a bit tighter, and leaned forward, making sure she could feel my eyes on her. “Thank you for the company, Kenny. I have very much enjoyed spending time with you.”

The night had grown darker, her face harder to see clearly. But as the bright colors danced through the sky, I was rewarded with the most genuine smile I’d ever seen on anyone. Pure happiness. Maybe a little reluctance, but mostly contentment. “My pleasure.”

Chapter Two


When Drew stopped the golf cart in front of my rented cabin, I opened my mouth to say goodnight. However, the second I met his stare, my tongue and lips decided to form other words, as if they had a mind of their own. “Do you want to come in? I have drinks in the fridge and some snacky stuff if you’re hungry.”

It’d been a long day—an early morning followed by a very lonely and tiring drive—but I felt as though the heavy exhaustion from earlier had dissipated. Meeting Drew seemed to have renewed my spirit and had me on the verge of giddiness. Evidently, it only took a couple of hours with a hot guy beneath the sprays of glittering color to revitalize me. At this rate, I’d probably be up until dawn.

Although, nothing could’ve reinvigorated me more than the sound of his response.

“Yeah, that sounds good. Just for a little bit, though; I’ve got work in the morning.”

To my surprise, inviting him in was the easy part. Once I had the door closed behind us, I didn’t know what to do; it was as if I’d never been around a guy before. Rather than act cool, I pointed to the sofa that sat only a few feet from the front door, basically ordering him to sit like I would command a dog. And still, without saying anything, I dropped my cabin key onto the table in front of him and walked into the kitchen, which wasn’t far thanks to the open floorplan of the small space.

“What would you like to drink?” I opened the refrigerator and bent over, peering inside in the hope it’d cool off my overheated cheeks. Thanks to my fair skin, I tended to wear embarrassment the way most women wore makeup. “I have water, soda, and wine coolers.” I peered over my shoulder at him, forcing myself to ignore the heat in his gaze as he stared at me. “But if I’ll get in trouble for having alcoholic beverages, then no…I don’t have any wine coolers.”

The hardness of his features from only a moment ago fell away as his shoulders jumped in

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