Crossroads (Beautiful Biker MC Romance Series) - DD Prince Page 0,68

please wait. I have to tell you something…”

“No time, baby.”

“Christian? Awe, that’s fuckin’ sweet.” The younger biker said with a laugh.

“Fuck you,” Christian snapped.

I struggled some more, grunting with effort, wondering if he really was with us or was he with them? Was he with us but pretending he wasn’t to entrap them? Or had he been with them and entrapping us all along?

What would happen to me when we got wherever we were going?

God, I knew how to fucking pick men, didn’t I?

I fought as hard as I could to get off his shoulder, but then we were in the back of a beat-up-looking blue cargo van with no back seats. I punched him, I kicked my feet trying to knee him in the chest. He was just too strong for me.

My brothers always called me a weakling whenever I tried to throw a punch. I really needed to take a class. Or carry a set of brass knuckles.

“Tape her. Don’t need her throwin’ a fit the whole way,” the older guy said, and a fat duct tape roll was tossed at us. Fork caught it as he grabbed my ankle and pulled me back toward him. I’d been trying to crawl to the back doors, to escape. My knees squeaked from the friction of the metal floor of the van.

He got me subdued with one of his arms in a vice around me as my back was smushed against his chest.

“Got ‘cha,” he said, laughing.

“You fucking fucker, Forker.”

“Tape her mouth first,” the young guy called back, laughing.

“Duh,” Fork replied like the suggestion was too obvious and then he laughed again.

“Oh, she’s mad at me now,” he teased. “You guys fucked me over good with this surprise visit. Fuck sakes. Coulda tapped this sweet piece another few times if I’d known it’d be over today.”

The guys up front laughed. “Sorry man,” the younger one said, “There’ll be time for a little more fun. Not to worry.”

And then he did tape me. He slapped tape across my mouth. It was still attached to the roll, so his face got super close until his nose was touching my cheek and he leaned over to rip the tape from the roll with his teeth, giving me a dark gaze. Warning? Evil and sinister? I had no idea.

“She’s feisty, Chrissy. She feisty in the sack, too?” the older guy asked.

“Naw, she’s sweet as honey, man.” He ran his nose from my temple down to the crook of my throat. “Though I suspect next time I spread her wide she’ll be a lil’ hellcat. And that can be fun, too.”

There was laughter from all three of them.

More bile rose in my throat. If I hadn’t had my mouth covered, I would’ve been tempted to spit it in his face.

I was now shaking. Quaking. Calculating. He’d saved Ella from them. He joined our side. He’d been the one to help bring them down and help Edge get revenge for Jet, hadn’t he? He’d turned on his own father and killed a member or two, hadn’t he? Hadn’t he hidden underground for months helping my family figure shit out to take them down, to help get Mantis back for all he’d done?

Beyond the fact that he was a gorgeous biker with all that attitude, those things he did were what made me sure that he was the ideal man to notice me, to be mine. Yes, he’d be strong and brave, brave enough to claim me despite my scary family, and yes, he’d be part of that family. But, he’d also gone against the grain to do what was right.

Or was it all fake?

Why would they act like he was on their side after all that? I couldn’t work out whether to believe him or not. And if I went along because he’d said trust me, it could be that he was telling the truth or it could be that I’d just make it easy for him to finish abducting me, getting me to wherever they planned to take me.

What they’d tried to do with Ella. What’d actually happened to Jet. What’d happened to Kailey.

My wrists and ankles got taped and he again used his teeth to cut it off. I didn’t fight. I knew it was useless here in a van with three men. But that didn’t mean I didn’t glare at him hatefully while he did it.

Should I trust him like he’d just asked me to do or what? And what did it matter, Copyright 2016 - 2024