Crossroads (Beautiful Biker MC Romance Series) - DD Prince Page 0,40

of having a hairbrush with me, though my hair band had been around my wrist.

“Oh look. You two have matching hairstyles. How cute.” Edge snickered.

“Shut it,” Christian pointed at him.

“You get razzed for your man bun?” I laughed.

“I razz any brother who ties his hair up,” Delia said, smiling. It was good to see her in such good spirits after the events of the night before.

He shot me a dirty look, but the corners of his mouth turned up a little like he was fighting a grin.

“I like it loose and wild, but as a fellow human with a whole lotta hair, I understand… it gets in the way at times. Though, whenever possible, loose is definitely preferable,” I said.

He drained his mug and set it down without replying.

“Love me some long-haired men,” Delia said, looking at him with appreciation.

That much was obvious. Rudy’s hair was to his chest. When I was a kid, I remember him having hair to his waist and almost always loose because that was how his woman wanted it.

Edge gave her a fake pout and rubbed his hand backwards from his nape to forehead. He’d worn it shaved for the last few years at the sides in a faux hawk, but hadn’t been shaving it since Jet died and grown in, it was suiting him. His hair now hid the Dominion Brotherhood and other tatts on his scalp, but it looked good.

“You’re the most handsome of them all as it is. You grow your hair long, it’d be just too much of a good thing,” Delia told him.

“Aw shucks,” Edge said, fake embarrassed and then he kissed her on the forehead.

Edge was a very good-looking guy, especially when he was smiling. We hadn’t seen a lot of smiles out of him since things went bad and got Jet murdered.

“We ready to roll then? I need to stop into work and do a coupla things, then get back here for church,” Christian asked.

We all headed out with our goodbyes to Aunt Delia who I told I’d call that evening to see how she was doing. Uncle Rudy would be back today, and she was having some insurance people meet her at her house. A few of the club women were going over to lend support for that.

“I’ll be fine. I’m a tough old broad,” she said. “It was just my guest room. Coulda been much, much worse. Something coulda happened to this beautiful girl right here for starters. Thank you, Fork, for saving our Jojo.” She kissed me and reached for him.

“My honor, Delia.” He wrapped her up in a hug and then she hugged Edge one more time and waved us off.

The way he said it was so contradictory, like it truly was his honor to save me. But he didn’t look at me when it was said.

And I didn’t like the way it felt in my gut. Not his words, not his attitude, and definitely not the fact that the whole thing had gone down at all.


“Thought you didn’t like ridin’ bitch,” Christian muttered to me as I climbed onto the back of his bike. He grabbed my hand to assist me in doing it and my heart behaved like someone had hit my gas pedal hard, while I was in park.

“You gonna let me drive?” I tried.

He looked at me like I was crazy

“Didn’t think so,” I said with a snicker.

I’d been just about to put the loaner helmet on when Edge called out from his bike, “Hold up.” Edge answered his phone.

Christian was referring to that day in the clubhouse TV room when he’d confronted me after I’d cut him off to get his attention. When he’d sort of threatened to take me over his knee.

“What I actually said was that it’d take a special kinda man to make me wanna ride bitch,” I amended.

He shot a look over his shoulder at me with one eyebrow cocked challengingly and I found that to be ridiculously sexy.

“Today isn’t a choice; ‘tis a ride of necessity,” I told him.

“And if you had a choice?” he asked, no longer looking at me.

“Hm,” I replied non-committal and I managed to not crack a smile, though it was difficult.

I was getting to him. Wasn’t I? Progress? Maybe? Finally? But, there was a problem here. And the problem was that I needed more information about all that shit last night.

I hated being in the dark. And sadly, I lived in a world where the women were often expected Copyright 2016 - 2024