Crossroads (Beautiful Biker MC Romance Series) - DD Prince Page 0,16

quite a few of them were true blue. My dad, for instance. He and my mom were off and on but when they were on, he was faithful. He swore it to me, and my dad was not a liar.

My three brothers? I knew Deacon would be true to Ella. He was the ultimate catch. Protective, handsome, and generous. I’d always known for a fact that if Spencer ever found the right girl, he would be the faithful type, too. He’d hated how Mom stepped out on Dad and had gotten in more than one tussle with standing up for wives and girlfriends against their cheating bikers. And I was pretty sure Pippa was the right girl for him. I knew it before Pippa did, seeing Spencer turn over a new leaf. Spencer was always super-protective. Pippa had herself the ultimate catch, too.

But Rider? Before Jenna, I would not have been surprised if Rider never settled down. I didn’t think he’d be the type to cheat on a woman, just never figured he’d find a reason to actually commit to anyone. He liked a good time way too much, as evidenced by his participation in that gang bang. But when I saw Jenna wear the Property of Rider shirt that first day I met her and observed the way my brother looked at her? I knew she was the one. I was glad to see she was still the one as Sara’s friend scanned the bar looking for other targets. Her eyes caught on Fork but one look at me and she reared back. Was I giving her back-off vibes? Damn straight.

From my periphery, I caught Fork’s eyes graze me and then go back to the television above the bar where a news station was on mute, subtitles scrolling. There was space beside him, so I decided to step up.

“Hey,” I said from beside him.

God, he was tall. And built. He had meat on his bones as well as muscle. And I fucking liked it. A bunch. Brady was on the other side of him, talking to Scooter and Bronto.

He didn’t answer my greeting; his eyes remained on the TV.

I bumped him with my shoulder. Yep. Bravery. I meant business tonight.

“I said, ‘hey’.” I looked up and waited as I got comfy on my stool.

His eyes took forever to leave the screen. They moved down to land on me and they were annoyed. Annoyed like I was a little mosquito buzzing around him in a dark room. And it hurt a little, but I didn’t let it show.

“Jack ‘n Coke, Lil’ John,” I called out to the passing bartender. He was a big fella with the disposition of a giant happy teddy bear.

“Jojo! Whadaya know! I thought I sent a drink over two minutes ago, little darlin’.”

“Oh, did you? I’ll be double fisted then. The girls’ll watch that for me.” I shrugged and reached into my boot, which had a pocket inside it that was big enough for money, my phone, and a lipstick and mascara. I pulled out a twenty.

“And whatever Christian’s havin’,” I added.

His eyes burned into me for a split second and I felt them sear me, before they moved to the burly biker bartender in front of us. “Naw, J, I’m good. Thanks anyway.” He gave the ‘thanks anyway’, without looking at me and said it like it was painful to verbalize.

I frowned. “You’re almost empty. Two swigs and you’ll be ordering. Why not let me buy you a beer?”

He looked at me sourly, threw back the last of the bottle with a big gulp, set it down on the bar, hard, and then he walked off.

Walked off! My head spun to follow him as he headed up the two steps toward the dartboards where I saw a bunch of cuts with eagle-driven motorcycles on them.

This gap left me beside Brady who had definitely been paying attention.

And I was a little, no, actually a lot put out by it. So, I hopped off my stool, hearing Brady mutter my name under his breath, but I ignored that calling out, “Tab, little John,” shoved the twenty back into my boot and headed the two steps up to the darts and billiards area, which was elevated at the same level as the stage it faced, the dance floor between. The billiards and darts area was crawling with people, as it was most nights, especially Saturday nights. Saturdays often saw live bands though was most often a girlie dance Copyright 2016 - 2024