Crossroads (Beautiful Biker MC Romance Series) - DD Prince Page 0,142

wedding ring finger and then flipped over and I rode him from on top with his fingers rubbing between my legs until we both came. He then slowly peeled that dress off me and kissed every inch of me, even my toes, sweetly, tenderly before making love to me again.

I was one very happy bride.


A Week Later

I was feeding him grapes as he lay in my lap and we watched Easy Rider on the TV in our motel room.

“Last year, we watched this at Sturgis for the fiftieth anniversary. I loved this movie when I was a little kid.” I popped a grape into my mouth.

He laughed. “A little kid?”

He shook his head. “Your mother let you watch this?”

“My mom let me watch whatever I wanted. Anything to occupy me so she could sleep, talk on the phone, or play her online casino or farmland game. I could change the DVD before I could talk and loved that jewel case. Missed Daddy whenever he wasn’t home and he traveled for the club a lot back when I was small and they were runnin’ a whole lotta weed and stuff, so I liked watching the motorcycle movie because it made me think of my dad. But then, some of my favorite parts of the movie are the stretches of open road, nothing but the bike. When I ride by myself, I love the open road. But I wanna share the road with someone. I wanted my own bike, yeah, but I also wanted my own biker. Someone who loves the open road, too.”

“Hm. Bikers made you think of good things. Bikers made me think about gettin’ a kick in the ass, bein’ made to slave for my father’s friends. I got told I’d be a prospect at eighteen when I was sixteen though I practically already was prospectin’ because I was their errand boy at fourteen when mom ‘n dad split, and I told him I didn’t know if I wanted that, knowin’ I really fuckin’ didn’t, but downplayin’ it like I hadn’t decided. He told me in no uncertain terms that it was happenin’. I was officially prospecting at seventeen, had to drop outta school because I had responsibilities for that club bein’ a fuckin’ slave to those assholes, cleaning up club whore puke in the bar, holdin’ people down while they beat the shit out of them, plus doin’ other shit for them I will not ever fuckin’ talk about, but believe me baby, it did not turn me onto the biker lifestyle. I did not have a choice.”

“What made you take that plunge to break away from them without breaking away from the lifestyle and saying fuck it? What finally did it that made you so committed to our club?”

“Ella for one. The club’s slogan of Death Before Enslavement for another.”


“Seein’ her get dragged into this… rescuing her from a pile of outlaws who wanted to rape her, baby. Sarge knew who she was and stopped it because yeah, he’s an outlaw but she was a member’s niece. I was in the area doing a pickup of narcotics and weapons, so he called me to pick her up. Rest of the assholes? They were fuckin’ livid, looked at me like they wanted to skin me alive for pullin’ her outta there. I’m fuckin’ there beside myself too because she’s with a fuckin’ biker. This girl should never have wound up with a guy like that, not in my mind, because I equated bikers with the kinds of bikers I knew. With the shit my cousin said, I looked into your family myself. Fuckin’ hated even having her in that car with all the shit I had in there. Fuck. From there, I fuckin’ had a turning point. Because things had gotten uglier than ever with the shit we were expected to wade into. I was one of the few in the Jackals without a record and swear to fuck it was like it was their goal, to get me in the system, too. I did not fuckin’ sign up for shit that involved people being kidnapped for ransom, girls bein’ shipped off to be sex slaves, kids bein’ hurt? Raping and killin’ women as revenge for their man’s misdeeds? Naw, man. Fuck that noise. Didn’t sign up for any of it but sure as fuck wanted no part of that. I had some little piece of a moral compass left, instilled by my ma who fought for years Copyright 2016 - 2024