Crossroads (Beautiful Biker MC Romance Series) - DD Prince Page 0,109

if you change your mind and want a real date with me, you call me.”

I laughed as I swung my purse playfully, skipping back to Nico’s car.

“That fucker was fuckin’ with me,” Nico grumbled as I got my seatbelt on.

Nico said nothing else all the way back to the clubhouse, but looked totally hassled about the whole thing.

I walked into the clubhouse with the smile firmly fixed and saw Christian standing by the bar. His eyes landed on me and grazed my body from head to toe. Slowly. I snottily turned my head the other way and marched toward the hall.

I knew I looked my best tonight, too. I was in a black with white polka dot pin-up style sundress with ample cleavage, strappy red high heels, and had my knock ‘em dead red lipstick on with winged eyeliner.

My father was coming out of his room into the hall. “Yo!” he snapped. “Dates back to back with two different men? What’s that all about?”

“It’s all about exploring my horizons,” I said loudly.

“Well, cool it. The prospects and brothers are resources I wanna be able to make use of. Right now, keep outside activities to a minimum.”

“Fine,” I said.

Hopefully my short stint dating non-bikers was over, anyway.

“Good date?” Dad asked.

I shrugged. “Not awful.”

“You look pretty,” Dad said. “Too pretty. Thought I told you no datin’ and if you do date, wear turtlenecks and polyester slacks.

“My bad,” I snickered.

“Brice’s partner,” Dad added. “You like him better or the suit guy better?”

“You’re keeping tabs, are you?” I folded my arms across my chest.

“One advantage to the semi-lockdown is always knowin’ what’s what with you. How ‘bout the one from last night? He worth a second look?”

“Maybe,” I shrugged. “We shall see.”

Was my dad actually warming up to the idea of me dating someone or was he trying to play one of his mind games to get me to reveal my cards regarding Christian?

“Called Brice. He tells me Sam’s a player.”

“It was just a date, Dad. Just dinner and a movie for fun.” I rolled my eyes. “Goodnight.” I went into my room and closed the door at the same time as a text alert came in from Andie, asking me how my date went.

I’d called Andie the night before and given her the low-down on my date and my plan for tonight.

“Why are you trying to make Chris Forker jealous?” she asked.

“Because he’s meant to be mine. He’s fighting it.”

She laughed. “Ella’s Spidey senses are obviously correct. She’s been all up in arms, convinced there’s something going on with you two, and wanting to talk you out of it.”

“Keep this quiet for now,” I said.

“Of course,” Andie agreed. “But careful. He apparently cuts off pigtails, turns the light off while you’re in the bathroom or in scary basements, and comes up with hideous nicknames.”

I laughed. “By the way, spoiler alert: you’re getting asked out by Dan Sotheby next hair appointment with Jenna.” I quite liked the nicknames he’d given me. Princess. Jellybean.

“I’m what?”

“He’s into you, chica. So into you that getting Jenna’s help getting you on a date was the price for the fake date with me.”

“Oh. Um...”

“He’s very good looking. And sweet.”

“Yeah. He’s nice.” She didn’t sound smitten or excited.

“You’re not into him?”

“He’s way out of my league, Jojo. Way out.”

“He is not!” I disagreed.

Andie was so pretty. Voluptuously curvy. Smart. Great skin. She was one of those girls who had it goin’ on and had no idea for some reason. She seemed super-shy most of the time.

“Are you gonna go if he asks you out?” I’d asked.

“Don’t think so.” Her voice went small.

“Seriously, you have to,” I informed. “He did me a favor in exchange for a date with you.”

She let out a long breath. “That would make you my pimp and would make me a whore.”

I laughed. “Think about it, hooker.”

“I’ll think about it,” she grumbled.


Sunday was spent with my brothers’ girls, Deanna, and Gianna at the clubhouse in the TV room. They’d all tied one on together Saturday night downstairs and slept up here afterwards while I was on my date and we spent the day stretched out in the TV room watching movies.

Gianna was fitting in nicely with us.

I did notice, though, that my brothers all failed at trying to not act super-weird around her when they came in. I was pretty sure that things would improve with time.

We all ate Thai food together. Me, my three brothers, their three girls, Jesse and Gianna, Scott and Deanna. Yup. Copyright 2016 - 2024