Crossroad to Love (Fab Five Series) - By Anna Kristell Page 0,8

her vacation looking tired and draggy, when she awoke she touched up her makeup and did the best she could to conceal the dark circles under her eyes. She asked the stewardess for a cup of coffee and sat back to enjoy it, deep in thought about her friends. Lizzie had called her last night. Dear, sweet, thoughtful Lizzie. She calls every year on the anniversary of the accident. She knows just what to say to make me feel better. It was wonderful to have such good friends. Something in Lizzie’s voice last night had sounded different though, lonely, perhaps. I really need to find some time to talk with Lizzie alone and see what is going on with her.

And then there was Angie, the career girl of the group. So career-oriented, in fact, that it had been the cause of her marriage breaking up. She and Michael had seemed perfect for each other, both ambitious and driven. They had met in college and the ‘Fab Four’ had all thought he was wonderful from day one. They had been delighted when Angie had announced her engagement. They had all been surprised when Angie told them a few years later she and Michael were divorcing. Marianne had tried to reason with Angie, begging her to reconsider her decision. She had told Angie that if she and Michael loved each other, they could work through their problems. She had attempted to make Angie see that there were ways to balance career with a personal life, but in the end, Angie had not listened to her and had gone through with the divorce.

“Marriage, kids, and my career just don’t go together,” she had explained. None of them could believe she was giving up Michael for a job, but then none of them had ever been quite as ambitious as Angie was. And her ambition had paid off. She had a very high powered, high paying job now. But Katy wondered if, deep down, Angie had ever regretted her decision to leave Michael. I wonder what Michael is doing now and if he ever remarried. She had not heard from him for several years. He had kept in touch with all of them for a while, but she guessed he had moved on by now. He had been so thoughtful and helpful to her after the funeral. He had helped her deal with a lot of the financial details in the weeks following.

Unlike Angie, Marianne had chosen her family over her career. She had gone back into nursing recently. Katy wondered how that was working out for her. Marianne had not worked for quite a few years. And she certainly did not need the income. Jon was doing quite well as a surgeon. I hope I get to see Jon while I’m in Texas. They make such a good couple.

The plane landed on schedule in St. Louis, bringing her back to the present. Katy hurried through the airport, eager for Lizzie and Angie to arrive. This is going to be a reunion to remember. Little did she know just how true that statement was.


Marianne stepped into the luxurious suite at the Prava. Everything was perfect, the hotel had followed her instruction to the letter. This was going to be one big week-long slumber party with her best friends, just like the old days. She was so glad Lizzie had thought of it. She made sure there were soft drinks in the fridge, wine, coffee, and snacks. She had ordered a box of expensive chocolates and had fresh-cut flowers sitting in a ceramic floral vase on the gleaming cherry desk. They had all been chocoholics in the old days. The girls are going to love this place. Preparing for their arrival had given her something to do to get her mind off her troubles. She could not wait to see the ‘Fab Four’ again. She was determined to have a good time this week, and face her problems next week, when a decision would finally have to be made.

She had to decide whether to confront Jon, wait for him to confront her, or to pretend nothing was wrong and hope the affair ended soon. He had been so attentive that morning. His kiss had started out quite passionately, in fact. If she had not pulled away, it might have gone further. Has he ended it with the other woman? He had told Mari not to worry about him and Jordan. He was planning a Copyright 2016 - 2024