Crossroad to Love (Fab Five Series) - By Anna Kristell Page 0,40

even be able to walk back to my room.” Angie laughed as she gazed into Michael’s gorgeous eyes.

“Who says you have to go back to your room?” he teased her as his hand gently caressed her face, her ear, and her neck.

She stopped him with a gentle reminder. “Michael, you know the rules of this game.”

“Angie, my darling, I am going to be quite frank with you. I have led a miserable life without you for the last fifteen years. Professionally, I have done well, very well. But what has it all been worth without the one person in my life with whom I’ve always wanted to share it with? No one that I have been with since you has mattered to me the way you do. That’s why, when I found out that you had hired our firm to do your work, I maneuvered to get the assignment. I knew I had to see for myself if you had moved on, if you were happy, or if there was a chance for us. I was elated to find that you were single.”

“Michael, we might discover that we don’t even like each other now.” She laughed, knowing full well that was not the case.

“I highly doubt that, my love. But we won’t know if we don’t try, now will we?”

“Michael, are you saying that you want us to try again?”

“That is exactly what I am saying.”

“I won’t have an affair with you. You were once my husband. I won’t ruin the memory of that marriage with an affair. Can you understand that?”

“We can take this as slow or as fast as you want, but I am determined to make you my wife again. And hopefully, that will be in the not too distant future.”

“I just don’t know.” She looked at him helplessly.

“Do you love me?” he asked a simple question, waiting breathlessly for her reply.

“I never stopped,” she admitted it finally, looking down at her lap.

“And neither did I.” Simply stated, he took her in his arms and held her quietly for what seemed like an eternity. Her heart was pounding so hard she thought it would pop right out of her chest. Surely, he could hear it. But his heart was pounding just as hard. She caressed his tired face. All the pent up emotions from all the years past came flooding to the surface for both of them. She had missed him so much. She had missed this so much, the time spent in his arms, his kisses, and his love. This was where she was meant to be. They sat on the couch kissing and savoring the moment for several minutes. With a question in his eyes, Michael pulled away. “Why?” he finally asked. He had to know.

The moment of truth had arrived. The moment she had dreaded. Angie could not speak. She looked deep into his chocolate brown eyes and nodded. He grabbed her to his chest and held her close. Slowly, he kissed her again, on the forehead first, moving to her nose, then her lips.

When the kiss ended, she licked her lips and finally began to speak. “You have to understand that this is very complicated. I didn’t divorce you because I didn’t love you. I did it because I do love you.” Her emerald green eyes glistened with tears as they begged him to understand.

“Angie, I love you and I always will. We were so good together. What you are saying makes no sense. Why in heaven’s name would you divorce a man that you love?”

“I have always loved you, too, Michael. I am so sorry that I’ve put us both through hell all these years. We have missed so much time together.”

“Shhhh.” He kissed her again. They had many long years to make up for and tonight he was determined to get to the bottom of this whole mess and put it behind them once and for all. It was time to stop the nonsense and get their lives back on track, start a family.

“You know, Ang, maybe we should say to heck with taking it slow and get remarried right away, the old biological clock ticking and all.”

Angie winced. She was very quiet for a few minutes. How could she tell him?

“Michael, we have to talk about that.”

“If you’re saying you still don’t want kids, especially at this stage of the game, I will understand. But if you think that you might want to have a baby, we probably should get Copyright 2016 - 2024