Crossroad to Love (Fab Five Series) - By Anna Kristell Page 0,36

in the other car, it was a man and his little girl. The little girl was about ten or so, I think. I was told she was wearing a Girl Scout uniform. I always felt like I needed to contact his widow to apologize for Marnie and Joe taking her husband and little girl away from her. But I never could bring myself to do it. She lost so much, because of Marnie and Joe, so much more than I had lost that night on that Chicago highway. I even got her name, it was Kathleen or Katherine or something. I can’t remember the last name now. It’s been too many years. I always felt guilty about not apologizing to her and sending my condolences, but I honestly just didn’t know how she would handle it. Of course, it is way too late now. The tenth anniversary of the accident was last week. I’m sure she has moved on by this time.”

Oh, my God. Katy was as white as a sheet. She could not breathe – she felt as if she were suffocating. How can this be? Even when she had heard about his wife’s accident and the fact that it had been ten years ago, it never dawned on her that his wife was in the car that had hit Bill and Bree that night. But she should have guessed. It was a rainy night on a Chicago highway and they had been hit head on.

What in the world would Ryan think if he knew that she was the Kathryn that he had wanted to apologize to? What would he do if he knew that after all these years, he had just done what he wanted to do then? Darling, Ryan, you have no reason to apologize to me. You didn’t do anything wrong. It was not your fault. Yes, she was stunned by the news, but she had moved on. She would always love Bill. And she would never get over losing her baby girl, but it was not Ryan’s fault. And she truly felt now that it was some form of destiny that brought the two of them together this week, ten years after the accident. Their meeting was meant to be, but not for the reasons they had thought. Katy honestly did not know what to say to him.

“Katy, are you all right? You look pale.” Ryan seemed concerned. His hand brushed her cheek.

“I am all right, Ryan. Talking about these things just makes me sad.”

“Do you want to talk about your husband?” Ryan urged her gently.

“Not really, Ryan. I came to terms with his death many years ago. We had a wonderful life together. It came to an end much sooner than I expected it to. I spent a lot of time at first grieving, but I had a son to raise. I’m ready to move on. I will always love him. He was my first love. But that doesn’t mean that I can’t love again.”

“I’m glad to hear you say that. And I’m glad we had this talk. What do you say we get out of here? It’s getting late and all this talking about unpleasant things has taken a toll on both of us, I am afraid. You look a little tired. I need to get you back to the hotel. After a good night’s sleep, we can get together and discuss more pleasant things. Like the rest of our busy, happy lives…together…”

Katy smiled wanly. I thought I wanted a life with this man. But how could she ever tell him about Bill and Bree? She would have to think this over. She needed the ‘Fab Four’ to help her through this one.

She allowed Ryan to link her arm in his as he walked her to his car, her thoughts racing, her stomach tied in knots. It had been a jolt, learning the details of the accident.

As they reached the car, Ryan leaned over and lightly brushed a kiss across her cheek. “Forever,” he said. “The confirmed bachelor and the yellow rose who turned his head and opened his heart in a matter of two days.” He leaned down and kissed her lightly on the tip of her nose before opening the car door and settling her in the front seat.

Katy thought her heart would burst. His words should be music to my ears. The chemistry between them was undeniable. If only there was not the nagging little secret of her identity standing Copyright 2016 - 2024