Crossroad to Love (Fab Five Series) - By Anna Kristell Page 0,31

with a secret smile.

“Angie, my dear, what is on the agenda with the wonderful Michael for the evening?” Lizzie turned to her other friend.

“I don’t know. I honestly don’t. I would like to have another chance with him. There I’ve said it out loud. It’s no secret that I never got over him. But it has been so many years and we have both changed and grown. We may find that we are two totally different people now, which could be a good thing, or on the other hand, could be a bad thing. I want so much for this evening to work out, but like Katy, I need to be very cautious. I need to keep my wits about me and let my head rule over my heart tonight. Michael is no longer my husband. He is a work colleague and I would do well to remember that,” Angie answered thoughtfully.

“Well, you really need to talk about the reasons you split up all those years ago. Maybe then you can tell if it would work out to try again,” Marianne advised.

Angie did not answer her friend. No one knew the real reason they split up except Angie’s mother. There was more to it than the career. There were other things that had made Angie decide to divorce Michael all those years ago. Painful things she had kept bottled up inside all these years. She had done it for Michael. But if I tell him now, will he understand? After all these years of silence, could she ever make him understand why she did it? Could I make any of them understand? Her mother had urged her to talk to him, urged her not to end her marriage. But she was so filled with grief at the time, she did not listen. She wondered now if that had been a terrible mistake.

Now that I know he never remarried and started the family he’d always wanted, should I tell him the truth? If they had any kind of a chance at reconciliation, she could not keep her secret any longer. He would have to know. And knowing what she had done could be the end of them forever.

“Race you for the shower!” Katy teased her friend, interrupting her disturbing thoughts.

“You go first, Kathryn, my dear. Make yourself beautiful for your man,” Angie teased back. They had joked like this so many times in the past when getting ready for dates in high school and in college. It brought back many fond memories.

“All right, I’ll try not to stay in there too long. I know you need to get beautiful for your guy too.” And with that Katy grabbed her packages and headed for the bathroom, anxious to get ready for Ryan.

“You got awfully quiet there for a minute, Angie. Is everything okay?” Lizzie asked after Katy left the room.

“Oh, just thinking about tonight. It’s a big step, seeing Michael again.”

“Well, you know if you need to talk, we are always here. I’m sure that we’ll have lots to talk about tonight… or tomorrow morning… whichever the case may be.” Marianne laughed at Angie’s reddening cheeks.

“Your new outfit should knock old Michael’s socks right off.” Lizzie had helped Angie pick it out this afternoon. It was pink, of course. Michael had always loved Angie in pink and still, to this day, she almost always chose that color when shopping for special occasions.

“Socks, shirt, pants…” Marianne teased.

“Marianne, stop it… If you had your way, Michael and I would skip dinner altogether and head straight to the bedroom. And what you’re suggesting can’t happen.” Angie worried. “It just can’t.”

“Just funning with you, Angie, don’t fret so much,” Marianne reassured her friend. “It might be just the thing you both need to knock some sense into your heads,” she added with a giggle. But Angie knew better. It would only make things worse. She had to stand her ground.

Katy entered the living room. Her new dress hugged her petite figure in all the right places. She looked stunning. The other three each nodded in approval.

“You look ravishing, Katy. Dallas’s most eligible bachelor doesn’t stand a chance tonight.” Angie was the first to speak.

“You are simply gorgeous.” Lizzie smiled in agreement, tears pricking her eyelids.

“I am so happy for you, Katy.” Marianne had tears in her eyes as well. This evening had been a long time coming for Katy, and Marianne was truly happy for her friend. After all, it was just one date. What harm Copyright 2016 - 2024