Crossroad to Love (Fab Five Series) - By Anna Kristell Page 0,25

She signed for the check, adding a generous tip for the waiter, and proceeded to dole out the food. Lizzie was the only one who had ordered a burger. The rest of the group opted for salads.

“You guys don’t know what you’re missing,” Lizzie teased as she dipped a French fry into her ketchup and took a bite. “Yum, yum, this is so good.”

“I’ll pass, thank you very much. My grilled chicken salad is fine for me.” Mari laughed as she speared a piece of chicken with her fork.

“I’ll take my Cobb salad any day over that greasy junk,” Angie agreed.

“And I am content to stick to my Caesar salad,” Katy chimed in.

“Now back to the plans for tomorrow. We’ll get to see the sexy Ryan again and meet his brother,” Marianne gushed as they were settling down to eat. “You didn’t say what Chloe’s husband was like.”

“He is a younger version of Ryan, but not quite as striking. Chloe did well,” Lizzie answered the question. “He was very nice and he knows his business.”

Katy’s cheeks turned a slight pink at the mention of Ryan’s name. Why did this man have such an effect on her? She knew it would not lead anywhere. He was a confirmed bachelor since the death of his wife. Had he loved her that much that he could never share his life with another woman? But a little harmless flirtation wouldn’t hurt anything, would it? As long as Katy kept her wits about her and did not get too attached, she would be fine. Once she got to know Chloe better, maybe she could ask her about Ryan’s wife. Besides, flirting with Ryan would be good practice for her to get back into the dating game. Katy wondered what it would be like to be in Ryan’s arms… to feel his lips on hers. She unconsciously shivered.

“Get the lovesick look off your face, Kate.” Angie laughed as she smacked her friend with a pillow from the couch. “Honestly, what is it about him, other than his obvious sex appeal and good looks has you so mesmerized?”

Katy grinned at her, embarrassed at having been caught daydreaming about Ryan. You would think they were in high school the way she was acting. Get it together, Katy.

They finished eating their dinner with more lighthearted teasing aimed at Katy until the time had come for Lizzie to make her phone call. The group once again became serious. This was a big moment for Liz.

“Just tell him like it is, girl,” Angie encouraged her friend as Lizzie headed for the bedroom to use the phone.

“That’s right, stand up to him,” Katy added. “He can’t be angry. After all, you landed a huge account for him that is going to expand his business even more.”

“You may be surprised at his response.” Marianne thought that maybe she should follow her own advice. Maybe I would be surprised at Jon’s response if I confronted him about Jennifer.

Lizzie thanked them for the encouraging words and, taking a deep breath, walked into the bedroom. She sat on the edge of one of the beds and dialed her home number. As she waited for Rex to answer, she thought of what she would say. Katy was right, as usual. He could not be angry with her, maybe just with her methods.


Lizzie never grew tired of hearing Rex’s deep, husky voice on the other end of a telephone line, even after all these years. He could still make her heart flutter just by saying hello. Not as dashing as some men, he was the cuddly teddy bear type, and she loved that about him.

It was now or never, she thought as she mustered the courage to begin her story.

“Hi, Rex, it’s me.”

“I didn’t expect to hear from you until midweek, Lizzie. How’s it going out there? Is everything okay?”

“Great, it has been so good to see everyone again. We are having a really good visit. There are a lot of exciting things going on with our friends, can’t wait to tell you all about it next week.” Lizzie’s hand shook as she held the receiver.

“Are you sure everything is all right, honey? You sound odd. Nervous, maybe?”

“In fact, everything is really good. I have some wonderful news for you. Please don’t say anything until you hear me out. I have something to tell you that is going to blow you away.”

“Let’s hope not,” he joked.

She began, “We met some really lovely people at dinner last night. They Copyright 2016 - 2024