Crimson Moon Hideaway - Julia Mills Page 0,17

and suspended was Donovan covered for him.

“I also know that you’ve been thinking long and hard about the absence of activity by the Chimera.” Carrodoc’s words pulled the Guardsman from his wayward thoughts. “And it’s the main reason you removed yourself from the MacAllen Ranch.”

“Have I mentioned how fucking irritating it is that you know everything that’s going on in my mind?”

“On many occasions,” Carrodoc matter-of-factly replied. “I also know that you are more bark than bite and actually appreciate that I, how did you say it, pull no punches and shovel no shit.”

Laughing out loud as he opened the curtains all the way, Ranger spoke both mentally and aloud, "You are so right, Old Man. I do appreciate you for exactly who you are."

"And I, you," Carradoc quickly answered, the kinship he felt for the Guardsman glowing deep within their bond.

“Well, thanks,” Ranger chuckled, turning away from the window and heading for the bathroom.

Stopping short as he reached the door leading to the vanity, his head instinctually lifted as his nose went up in the air. Filling his lungs with a succulent scent he'd been longing to be reunited with, the Guardsman whispered, "There it is again." His voice was soft, almost wistful. Something no one had ever accused Ranger Evans of being. "Somebody in this place smells just like Ellie.”

“Or, you are willing her into existence,” Carrodoc chimed in.

"But, you just said…" Running his fingers through his hair once again, Ranger snapped, before taking a deep calming breath and starting again. "Whatever, I refuse to ruin this time thinking about the mistakes I've made. I'm going to rest, relax, and recuperate, then get my ass out there and stop the threat to my Mate."

“And then…?” The Dragon King's laugh sounded more like rocks rolling around in a dryer, which made Ranger smile.

“And then, I’m gonna knock on Ellie MacLeish’s door, throw her over my shoulder, and have my wicked way with her until she agrees to spend forever by my side.”

“Solid plan.”

Ranger could hear the laughter in Carradoc’s voice and appreciated the sentiment. It wasn’t often that the Dragon King laughed or joked. Only where Ellie was concerned, and only when they were discussing forever with their Mate.

“I thought you’d like it.” Pushing through the hypnotic aroma that only grew stronger with each passing second, he headed into the bathroom and straight for the shower.

Kicking off his boxer shorts and grabbing a towel, he tried to ignore his hard on, chuckling to himself, “See what happens at the mention of her name, Bucko? All the blood leaves your brain.”

Turning on the water, loving that it was instantly steamy hot, he stepped under the spray, sighing blissfully as the hot water doused his wild curls and ran down his back. Eyes sliding shut, once again, Ellie's gorgeous face was all he could see.

From one heartbeat to the next, his imagination took over. His lips tingled with what he knew her lips would feel like, the sweet taste they would leave on his own. His blood raced in his veins. The scales of his Dragon materialized. Brilliant blue and red hovering over his body as the air filled with pure white magic, and his cock pulsed against the bottom of his abs.

He wanted his Mate more than he wanted his next breath. Shame his hand would have to do until he could claim the lovely Ellie.

Fisting his erection, unable to stop his hips from thrusting forward, Ranger tried to go slow. Wanted to make it last. Tried with all his heart to hold onto the image of his Mate.

Visions of his hand being Ellie's, the soft sounds of her sweet moans, the feel of her body moving against his was all too much. He couldn't hold back. The sensory overload of just his thoughts was incredibly, wonderfully, and blissfully overwhelming. He had to come, and it had to happen right that minute.

Up and down, fast and furious, he worked his hard cock. Breathing raggedly, barely able to keep his balance, Ranger threw out his free hand, his palm slapping against the tile as he fought to stay upright. "Oh, Ellie. Oh, mo grá. Yes. Yes! YES!" His groans echoed off the granite.

Coming so hard he was sure his eyes crossed and he might never be able to exit the shower, Ranger collapsed against the wall, his cheek pressed up against the tile. "Son of a bitch," he panted. "I have to get better at holding back. At this rate, Ellie Copyright 2016 - 2024