Crimson Born - Amy Patrick Page 0,59

to our hearts and brains. Too much too fast was sure to result in embarrassing intoxication.

Sipping from my glass as I took stock of the crowd, my bravado began to fail me. I tried to imagine walking up to one of the men and asking him to dance.

A moment later, I realized it wouldn’t be necessary. My friend Sam approached me.

Upon further study, he definitely did not have a pumpkin head. That famous hair of his was sleekly styled tonight, its natural tendency to curl tamed by gel or some other hair product.

“May I have the pleasure of a dance?” he asked with a slight bow.

I had to suppress a giggle at the formality of his request, but I accepted happily and took his offered hand.

As Amish people don’t dance, I’d learned here at the Bastion. My lessons had included basic ballroom dancing steps, and I could do a decent job of a waltz or a foxtrot, but I hadn’t had a great amount of practice.

“I hope I won’t step on your toes,” I warned Sam.

He laughed and swept me onto the floor. “I wouldn’t worry yourself. I’ve had a lot of practice. Just follow my lead. And if you do happen to break my toe, it’ll heal quickly.”

“That’s true.”

As the dance went on, I relaxed, actually began to enjoy myself. So much so, we stayed on the dance floor for the next few songs. Sam really was an excellent dancer. As we moved among the other couples, he made lively conversation and funny remarks and was generally good company.

“You look beautiful tonight, by the way. I like your hair up, and that dress is worthy of a sonnet.”

“Why thank you, sir,” I said. “And you look very handsome in your tux.”

The frivolity of the moment was dampened when Sam turned me, and I caught a glimpse of Reece’s glower.

He stood at the edge of the dance floor, not taking his eyes from me and my partner as we stepped and spun from one side of the room to the other.

When the song ended, Sam escorted me from the dance floor. “May I refresh your drink for you?”

“That would be nice. Thank you.” I nodded and watched him scurry away toward the blood bar.

“Good riddance,” someone grunted on my left.

I turned and saw Reece at my side.

Up close he was even more dazzling than he’d been from a distance. The formalwear suited him. It matched his austere expression and somehow made him seem even more dangerous than he looked in his usual uniform of head-to-toe black leather.

I forced myself to turn away and watch the dancers take the floor for the tango just beginning.

“I don’t know about that. Sam was attentive and complimentary, and he’s a very good dancer. In fact, he’s asked for another dance tonight, and I’m in a mind to indulge him when the next waltz plays.”

“You’ve had enough dancing. You need a break,” Reece said. “You’ve been dancing non-stop.”

“How would you know? Were you watching me?” I challenged.

“It is my job,” he said in a tone that suggested it should have been obvious. “As your bodyguard.”

“I told you, I won’t be needing your services tonight. Go and enjoy the evening with your new brothers.”

The Bloodbound stood in a group on one side of the ballroom. They seemed to be in good spirits tonight, drinking freely and laughing loudly.

Female eyes from around the room strayed to that corner often, but like me, the other female vampires here would have to content themselves with the regular guys.

Speaking of... several more men asked me to dance. But before they could even finish the question, Reece informed each potential partner I was “tired” and sent them away with a stern look.

“Excuse me? I am the one who’ll decide whether I’m tired or not or if I want to dance with someone. Why are you acting this way?” I demanded.

“You can dance,” Reece said. “Just not with them. As Bloodbound we’re given the files on everyone in the Bastion. None of those guys was worthwhile.”

“Oh really? And who is? You?”

He crossed his arms over his chest and put on an obstinate expression. “The Bloodbound don’t dance.”

“Okay then, who? Who is ‘worthy?’”

His dark brows dropped lower, shading his lilac eyes. “Not them.”

“What about him?” I asked, nodding toward Gio who was making his way through the crowd toward us.

The bodybuilder smiled at me and mouthed, “Wanna dance?”

I was in mid-nod, when Reece took my arm and turned me away from the dance Copyright 2016 - 2024